Hello again Everyone - Cy Bear back once more
Some better news on the Technology Front: last week, Isobel moved a little further forward with the smartphone - by realising that she had ordered the wrong book if she needed to have her hand held setting everything up to get it working seamlessly. She arranged for the right one to be swapped with The Helpful Book Company - so hopes to be in a better position on that technology matter soon. Some more apps have been downloaded, but there's a way to go yet. However, the machine is still functioning: and that's a major plus.
A full frontal view of our Child's size Panda Head Golf Club Saver |
As you see, we found them: the missing photographs I mentioned last week in my run down on Isobel's battle with technology were eventually run to earth after lots of searching on the endless Microsoft "Help" sites. There's just so much time Isobel can spend with them before her head starts to spin, and she gives up. Try as she might to follow Microsoft's "helpful" hints at what to do next, she always ends up either where she doesn't want to go - or doesn't understand what she's being told to do in the first place. (She doesn't think she's as stupid as she always feels after a session trying to sort herself out).
Showing off the shorter Self Colour Black Metal Handle Cover
However, just before bedtime last evening, on the One Drive site, she spotted an unusual reference number "1979-12-31" at the top of a list on her Pictures page, clicked on it (her normal behaviour on such occasions) - and blow us down with the proverbial feather: here were the 50+ missing photographs : all in quadruplicate (proof of Isobel's searches) and all requiring editing before appearing in any guise in public. This morning has been spent doing those tasks (and almost missing live-streamed Mass from St. Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham in the process). But done in time for us to be able to produce some the photographs Isobel talked about in our last post, here.  |
Child Golf Club Saver from a different angle |
Now we can show and tell you more about the new Grey Cat Arm Puppet. Here are some of the photos we'll be using when we list it as a New Coldham Cuddlies Arm Puppet next week. As we told you quite a lot about it last week, I'm not going to repeat it all here, but there may be some additions, which I'll keep short!
The first view of our New Grey Cat Arm Puppet, being operated for photographic purposes by our friend and neighbour, MrRY - who kindly helps Isobel in these situations.
One view of the Grey Cat Arm Puppet, showing his paws |
The New Grey Cat Arm Puppet viewing his surroundings and greeting "His Public"
The New Grey Cat Puppet waiting for his Travel Papers to be prepared in a Final Farewell Photo |
Isobel did take several more pictures, and they will also form part of our listing for the
New Grey Cat - which will probably be done tomorrow.
Next week sees us take another step in our exploration of the toy export market with Isobel booked for a 30 minute One to One telephone meeting with MsSR (or MrDB) from the UK Department of International Trade. That all sounds quite interesting - and hopefully will lead to some new adventures I can share with you all. Maybe, even, we might make further progress with the whole Facebook saga- who knows: stranger things have happened!! (Due to the photograph hunt, the third link MsSR gave Isobel hasn't yet been approached. Given time, she hopes to be able to do it today. Alas, there has been the usual silence in news from THE TARGET!!)
In the meantime, that's all from me for this week. Hope everyone is taking care of themselves, and not doing anything to attract more lock downs happening: local or not, they don't sound very nice from a Beaver Lamb Bear's point of view, and even worse I should imagine from everyone else's.
See you next time.
Your Friend
Cy Bear
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