After 50 years making Toys, describing how they are made and sold on; plus histories of toys owned, met with or restored: plus odds and ends, as they occur.
As you can see, Audrey is missing a leg - thanks to an altercation with the family dog. That's not the first time I've heard that can happen. When keeping my new Friends in the Clinic company as they wait for their treatment to happen, I am always very thankful that I don't share space with a Dog. I believe they are very nice "people" - in their own way. But I like being "king pin" in my own space in the flat with Isobel. It's a lot less dangerous!
Audrey's Best Friend is one EthanC, and he sent Isobel a very nice hand-written message asking her to look after her for him. He told us that she's been his "favourite since I was very young". Hairy Bear No.11 and I are doing what we can to make sure she isn't homesick. With permission from EthanC and his Mum, CS, we're going to do that for about 3 weeks, which is when Isobel thinks she'll be able to get round to her treatment.
This picture was taken when she first arrived and had been unpacked from the wrapping in which she had travelled. She very soon made herself at home with us
It's not going to take long once the therapy begins, because fortunately, we've got some Fleece Fabric in a colour quite similar to Audrey's frilly garland. Isobel has discussed possible treatment with CS, and we'll be telling you all about it once Audrey is on her way home. Meanwhile, here's a photo of Audrey sitting on the projected fabric which will be used to make her look almost as good as new. Given that Audrey is about 11 years' old, and obviously very much loved, we're delighted with the match.
Meanwhile, the Foxes and Wolves I told you about in my last chat have all been listed and we hope they will find Adoptive Homes soon. Isobel has cut out and sewn two Purple Fleece Rabbits and two Blue Fleece Rabbits (as mentioned last week too), and she is in the process of building them into playable Toys. Then she's going to get working on the two remaining Puppets we're due to send to JS in Tulsa, OK.
Until next time, then - do hope everyone has a good week. Your friend, Cy Bear.