After 50 years making Toys, describing how they are made and sold on; plus histories of toys owned, met with or restored: plus odds and ends, as they occur.
Cy Bear being allowed to chat with you once again. Don't know how long this will last, but I'll take advantage of it every time it's offered!
Here's a picture of part of the production line mentioned in our title today.
You can see three (out of four that have been cut out and stuffed) bodies for more Cuddlies. Two of them will be Dressed Boy Foxes and the other two are destined to become Dressed Boy Wolves.
(It has been decided that in future our male toys are going to be referred to as Boys (as opposed to Gentlemen - Isobel is wondering if that is why they are not finding as many Forever Homes as our undressed Cuddlies do. Likewise, our formerly Lady Dressed Cuddlies will be known as Girls - for precisely the same reason.)
That red speck you can see on the right hand Girl's body comes off the frayed edges of the fabric that has already been cut out for some of the Boys' clothes. (That's going to mean that all seams in the items sewn will have to be over sewn to ensure the integrity of the clothing). Isobel decided to see how she would cope with doing multiples of the Toys, and spent a good three hours yesterday sorting herself out.
In the flat as we now have there's some sense to doing it this way: because all the fabric is stashed away in two cupboards, down the corridor, near the front door. So it saves time, energy and Isobel's legs to have all the selected fabrics in the living room (which then looks like another fabric store!). She's just got another jacket to cut out, and all the leather boots, and then she can get going on the sewing. These are all destined to replace Cuddlies who have found Forever Homes over recent weeks - either via the Etsy sales system or during the two Craft Sales we attended in November and December.
(There are 7 replacements in this batch - leaving another 9 to be made as quickly as possible thereafter - as Isobel does want to introduce some new Cuddlies this year if she can. We've still got a couple of Tulsa-based Puppets to make yet, as you may recall: the fabric for those is due to . arrive sometime this week. All in all, Isobel is going to busy!)
These fabrics could end up as dresses for the Girls, who are likely to end up as two Foxes and OneWolf. Our previous Wolves were made with faux fur and ended up looking a little out of balance - with heads and paws looking a bit big for their bodies. Isobel has decided to see what they'll look like and is thinking of making them with this Silver Plush fabric - I think it looks rather nice: wonder what you think of it?
The Fox Plush pieces for the Boys have already been cut out and are piled up ready to be applied to the bodies and clothing piles.
The White plush showing at the top of the left pile is for the end of the the Boys brushes (tails to those of you unfamiliar with Foxes. Boy Wolves for some reason don't have this differentiation from their Girl Friends).
The following pics show the other leather from which the Boys' boots could be made - the Girls have shoes made with felt, which allow their pantaloons to be fitted more easily and look better under dresses. (The decision has not yet been finalised - which is the way Isobel tends to work: she often starts out with an idea in mind, and can change it as the Toy evolves.)
In case you're wondering, the blue-green leather will actually go very well with the jacket Isobel has already cut out for the fourth body. All will be revealed in our next post!
Before I leave though - an update on the fate of the Hairy Bears. The day after I told you last week that we were waiting to hear which one of them would be wending his way to Glendale, Missouri,MrsTB emailed us to say she would like Hairy Bear No11 to be sent to her (he was the one Isobel did make with MrsTB specifically in mind). So on Tuesday he was duly wrapped up and mailed to her. Just to remind you, this is what he looks like.
So now, Hairy Bear No10 and I sit on Isobel's bed each day, while she decides exactly where to put him!
This picture of the two of us was taken before the Hairy Bears had been given their distinguishing ribbons. They looked like this before No11 departed for the U.S.A.
Right folks: that's it for this week's post - hopefully, when we meet again, there will be a few finished Foxes/Wolves/Boys and Girls to show you. Until then - have a good week all of you.