Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Looking on the bright side!

Have been having a few bad days recently and not feeling like blogging - largely because I was having trouble getting the word out in the internet world about this blog and the Etsy shop (  However, having just received SundayAfternoonHousewife's book, The Blogging Adventure, and starting to read it, have followed up her suggestion of reading some of the blogs I already follow, commenting on them and then drawing their attention to ColdhamCuddliescalling.  Wonder what effect it will have?

I was also recommended to read other blogs and comment on them (have done so - on the Inside Etsy: Storeowner Interview blog by MamaMellyMartin:  she included me in one of her interviews on April 13, just after I'd begun this blog and I was very grateful for the leg-up.)

Another blog I've followed (but never commented on before) is Louise Knits:  think she's very clever with her patterns, but gave up knitting and crocheting some while ago - because it involved too much counting and remembering where I was along a row!  My husband always commented on something requiring an answer from me - and I'd lose my way and have to start again!  Result - project took too long!  But I did ask Louise if she knew of anyone who might be able to create a pattern for an Otter for me to make.  Probably the wrong place to ask, but had to start somewhere, now that there isn't an Alchemy spot on the Etsy site.

Reason I want to add an Otter to my collection in the Coldham Cuddlies family ( is that I visited my principal source of material offcuts yesterday.  In addition to a whole lot of fur fabric used to make my Koalas and Light Brown Bears, I was given some lovely brown suedette/leather type fabric which I think could make a super Otter.  However, although I'm reasonably good at making toys from an existing pattern, am absolutely hopeless at creating one from scratch.  Don't know how much it will cost - but should think something up to 8USD might be a reasonable start?  Anyone out there who could help?  I'd be very grateful.

Right ... as I blog at night (as well as toy-make then too) .... it's getting late, and I need my "beauty" sleep.  Cheers - and hope to hear from you soon.  Isobel