Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Treating Ed Ted - the first step

Greetings once more Everyone:  Cy Bear allowed to contribute again, and pleased to be talking to you.
One development since we last posted about Ed Ted is that Isobel has received the swatches she asked for to make his new outer covering from her local suppliers.  Although there was a possibility this could have been done in mohair, we heard today that the cost of using it was higher than Isobel was prepared to consider, so we've had to tell our Etsy contact FatPumpkinBear in USA that we won't be doing business with them after all.  We're very grateful for all the help Karen from that site was prepared to give us, but the budget for the project would have been exceeded before we'd started had we gone down that route.   Isobel's normal UK supplier for plush fur fabric has provided a pretty near match - so, Ed Ted is going to be made in Honey Fur Fabric.  The order will be sent once Isobel and husband, Peter, have returned from a routine hospital visit in Salisbury  tomorrow.

So, while waiting to receive the sample fabrics, Isobel began the delicate task of taking Ed Ted to pieces.  She found that by and large, the seams were in very good shape, although some had obviously had to have attention in order to keep the old fellow in shape.  Even though the pictures we've shown of him show that his stuffing was in danger of coming out from his legs, they had actually retained their shape pretty well.  The worst treatment had been meted out to Ed's arms, which were in a very poor condition, but now the seams have been unpicked, Isobel is confident of being able to take a good pattern from all the original pieces.  She  can then applique the old bits onto a backing fabric and sew them in at the same time as sewing up the new outside covering.  This is method she established with Little Red Ted. (The story of that was contained in three posts in early April - see www.ColdhamCuddliescalling.blogspot.com/The Rejuvenation of Little Red Ted).

Ed Ted is now in pieces and Isobel has thrown out the original stuffing - which caused her to do a lot of coughing and sneezing as she was dealing with it.  Here are some pictures she took as she set to work with her "quick-unpic" and scissors.

Ed Ted's front, showing the wood chip stuffing and kapok
This was the first seam Isobel "attacked", and then she separated the head from the body.  The stuffing from the head is shown next:

The nose is wood chips:  the rest kapok
When Isobel was taking the head pieces apart, she discovered that the nose had been embroidered through the fabric into the wood chips:  it made what remained of Ed's nose a little difficult to unpick, but she achieved it without damaging the outer fabric, thus preserving the shape for creating the template for later work.  Once the stuffing had been removed, it became obvious that the next stage (once all the pieces had been undone) would be to scrape the remaining stuffing sticking to the fabric and washing each piece by hand.  That's going to be needed in order for Isobel to be able to get the correct shape for each piece before she can applique them on to the backing fabric. Some ironing is likely to be required as well. You can see how curled up the seams are - and most of the kapok has been scraped off the material.

Head pieces, plus ears and eyes, and cotter pin attaching head to the body
Now, I could go on all night, but this post would then be too long - so I'll finish for tonight, and Isobel or I will continue with the next post - hopefully tomorrow.  Bye for now.  Cy Bear