Monday, 4 July 2011

Announcement - regarding ColdhamCuddlies' shop and Ed Ted latest


With effect from today (Fourth July), even though I am not an American - by being an Etsian, I believe I have become an adopted one! - I am offering FREE SHIPPING for everyone, anywhere for anything in the shop currently, plus anything that  may be listed between July 4, 2011 and August 31, 2011.  The shipping costs have also been re-calculated so visitors to can see how much they are saving if they take advantage of this offer!

Having spent a great deal of time in the past few days concentrating on Ed Ted and his treatment, I decided to visit my shop ( on Sunday and was somewhat disconcerted to discover that the listing form had changed quite radically since I had last had a proper look.  I noticed I had to fill in a lot more information ABOUT the items when Miss Prim Fox (Etsy Listing #75340524) and Sir Francis Fox (Etsy Listing #75921238) joined the family, but had not realised that the new format applied to everything else that was already in the shop!  Took quite a while to achieve, but managed to do it before retiring to bed last evening.

As a result of the blogging in recent weeks, we are beginning to attract more followers on Twitter, one of which is Groove  They have offered to include our shop ( for a six month trial at very favourable terms, so I will also be listing all the ColdhamCuddlies on that site when I have received an answer to a registering question I have posed.   Being the Fourth of July, assume that the folks at Groove Press are enjoying a well-deserved break.  I hope to be beginning the selling process on that site very soon.  Naturally this is going to mean yet another site address - which I will publish just as soon as the new shop is operational.

The business cards I spoke about last week arrived on Saturday, and I'm very pleased with how they look.  Proves that it is better to proof read and design in daylight, rather than just before retiring to one's bed!  Shall be using every opportunity to distribute them from now on (including as a Compliment Slip when using the "snailmail" route for communicating).  As a silver surfer, am still more comfortable using this traditional means of communicating, but realise that social media etc. et al is the way to go.  Can sometimes be uncomfortable being dragged into the 21st Century.

As for Ed Ted:  some of his pieces have been appliqued:  (see above for the reason why that stage of the rejuvenation process has not been completed) and I hope to do some more after posting this blog.  Then we await swatches from my potential new mohair fabric source for a choice to be made for Ed's final covering.  Since he was washed, I would really like to match it as closely as possible.  His legs really are a very lush golden yellow and he would look splendid if he could end up with that as his final appearance.

Included here is a very rough picture of Ed Ted's legs - it will not be the final shot, because they have only been tacked to the calico sheeting, but it gives one an idea of the difference in colour shades - when compared with one of the original shots of the old fellow.

Ed Ted's original rear view
So, I'll now end this post - and do some sewing!  Bye for this post.  Isobel