Cy Bear and Isobel are both pleased (and not a little relieved, respectively) to announce that Ed Ted's rejuvenating treatment is satisfactorily completed. Here he is - NOW!
Taken in a neighbour's garden |
And just to remind you all, because it is nearly a month since the therapy began, here he was when he arrived early in July:
Ed Ted - first glimpse |
The final stage was not without some excitement. Once the head was attached, Isobel stuffed Ed Ted really firmly, only to find that the left arm did not lie right. So, she unstuffed him, and after a bit of difficulty managed to fit the arm in the correct position. Now, he's a very proud Associate Member of the Coldham Cuddlies family, and whilst not able - yet - to feature in the shop at, he soon will be, as Isobel intends to officially announce the opening of the ColdhamCuddlies Soft Toy Clinic sometime this coming week. She intends to use similar pictures of both Ed Ted and Little Red Ted to illustrate how the Soft Toy Clinic will operate.
The Clinic's impending opening has been bought forward, as we now have two more patients awaiting treatment. We'll introduce them here in this post and talk about them at greater length in forthcoming posts. Their names are Brr Bear, whose best friends are Mrs. DK and Mrs. HR (the latter being the daughter of the former).
Brr Bear in front of Tommy Teddy |
Tommy Teddy is one of the Morrell Family Bears - currently in elder daughter, Philippa's, collection and has been with us since the early 1970's. He was originally pink and blue in colour: he's faded somewhat, so Isobel is going to give him a new coat - hopefully in similar colours, and re-stuff him with safe polyester fibre as he's currently stuffed with rubber foam, that could be dangerously inflammable. Foam rubber in the 1970's here in the UK was not treated and was often used to stuff cushions (and toys) before it was found to be so dangerous when involved in fires.
With that, we'll both end our updates from the Coldham Cuddlies fold for today. Good night all -
Cy Bear and