Sunday, 31 March 2019

Treatment offered Teddy Bear Thornton - Part Two.

Very Happy Mothering Sunday wishes are sent to all Mums and Grandmothers who may be reading this story today (oh, and everyone Else too!).  That's what Mother's Day is called here in the UK, and it's always celebrated on the Fourth Sunday of Lent.  In some churches all the children at the main Sunday service are still given small bunches of flowers (usually daffodils - and when they used to be wild in the UK, primroses), which they then give to their Mothers.  Some churches still do have that lovely ceremony, I'm told:  but being a Beaver Lamb Bear, I've never attended one myself.  Do like the idea, though - so I hope it will continue (and prosper) in the years to come.

Now, back to the story of Teddy Bear Thornton (TBT for convenience here) and his treatment in the Coldham Cuddlies Animal Toy Hospital -  When the mohair fabric arrived from Isobel's supplier, TBT and I inspected it with interest.

The furry blanket on which TBT and I are sitting happens to match  TBT's paw covering well, doesn't it?

We think it was a pretty good match, given the passage of time, adventures and other events, including life in an attic for an indeterminate period, that TBT had survived.  Also the fact is that dyes and fabric manufacturing has changed over the several decades we're talking about.  (When matching mohair for repair purposes, it's actually the backing fabric into which the mohair is attached that is used to get the results being sought - not the outside furry bits).

All the pieces having soaked in lukewarm soapy water, they looked like this after their second rinse

Meanwhile, TBT's individual pieces - or those that were usable anyway - having been washed, dried and pressed flat were used by Isobel to create templates so that the new body could be cut out.

You can see the cardboard template pieces on the right from which TBT began to emerge
Here were all the pieces that were required for Isobel to put TBT back together. (The smaller pieces are the original, rescued bits, together with its' matching new one). He actually had more bits than she is used to having when making a Coldham Cuddlies Bear these days, but once she had worked out exactly how they fitted together, sewing began - and proceeded quite quickly, once all the original pieces had been matched and tacked together.

TBT's new head/face, waiting for his original eyes to be fitted

Where possible, Isobel actually sews each original piece to its matching component in the new version (with the wrong sides together - furry side on the inside of the finished toy).  It means the original Teddy Bear still "exists", even if it can't be seen - and it also reduces the need for too much extra stuffing.  Many Teddy Bear owners are also much happier thinking that their old friend is still with them (rather than consigned to general waste) - and actually results in a slightly larger Toy in the long run because the new version's seams have to be that much bigger.  So, more Teddy Bear to hug eventually!

Above New Legs and Body ready for stuffing:  Arms and Head in lower row

The pads were created using a mock leather fabric Isobel uses for just such a purpose - and it can also be used when she's making Owls' beaks, and other bird claws and such like when creating new Cuddlies for our shop  (

TBT coming to life - the mouth is almost exactly where it showed on his original pieces.  

Inspecting TBT on arrival, we noticed that he'd come with signs of having a brown woollen embroidered nose and other facial features  - but as most Bears usually have black ones, Isobel decided to give him the latter colour.  We used his particularly well kept eyes.  His ears, having been cut off to be used in the matching process, Isobel provided a completely new pair, without using the original ones - which had shown more wear than the rest of TBT's original body pieces.  (Ears often do get used to "haul" teddies around by their devoted owners!  Not that I'm saying that actually happened to TBT, you understand!). 

All that was required then was to "build" the new look TBT - ready to be sent to MrsAT in time for planned the Christmas 2018 hand over.

I'll show you the finished article next time around, as well as some lovely photos sent when TBT and his Forever Friend, MsAT met on Christmas Day.  Meanwhile, do hope everyone has a terrific week - whatever you are planning to do.  See you all then!

Your Friend, Cy Bear