Isobel is getting on well with the introduction of the new sets of Piglet Twins, but before going any further, I thought you'd like to know that AJ , the Orange Dragon arrived safely at his Forever Home and his new look would seem to be satisfactory as far as MsLA is concerned. We received this message to confirm his safe arrival.
"Artist agreed to make alterations to existing plush. It arrived today. It looks so much better and sturdier. Artist has excellent comms and does excellent work. Highly recommended".
This equated to a Five Star Review via the Etsy System, for which Isobel is duly grateful - and it's been added to the other 54 similar reviews we've been given for Cuddlies who have found their Forever Homes or Toy Animals (mostly Bears) that have been treated in the Stuffed Toy Animal Restoration Clinic since we started operating in 2010.
Once AJ had left us on Monday morning last week, Isobel got down to the business of sewing and dressing the new Piglet Twins. Four are now almost complete and will join those that were pictured at the end of last week's post.
You'll notice that the White Boy Piglet still needs his shoes attaching - and gives some indication of the height difference between the Piglets that have been "shod", and the one still going "bare trottered" ( if there is such a word!). One shoe is ready to be sewn on and other is still in the process of construction.
As for the original Pink and White Piglet Twins, a cursory search for them among the Toy Store has so far resulted in Isobel not being able to locate them! So, there is going to be a more detailed search undertaken early next week, so that the White and Pink Piglets can be separately listed - along the lines I outlined last week in my post here. If not, some more White Piglets will need to be made, so that we can have three different colour schemes offered for each Piglet variety! Then Isobel will return to the production of Nursery Mobiles - so she's got a busy schedule ahead of her.
However, this week is likely to find Isobel engaged on family matters for some of the time she would be sewing - because her GrandsonE celebrates both his 2nd birthday on Friday, followed on Saturday by his Baptism at St. Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham. That important ceremony in a Little Person's life is going to be followed by a terrific party at Clare and Alan's home to which up to 120+ were invited. To date, over 100 have said they will be present -,but not all will be at both the Saturday events,
These activities may therefore also impinge on whether or not a post will happen next week! YOU ARE WARNED.
In the meantime, mid-week, Isobel received an enquiry about whether or not she would be prepared to have another - more challenging - attempt at treating an existing toy for someone different; a Customer who turned out to have a connection to AJ the Dragon. The Customer wanted this 8 ft Squid

turned into a Horse-like structure looking something like this, with mane and tail and horn too, if possible!!

The fabric from the Squid would be used - and keeping his eyes, mouth and the letter R.
The horse pattern is one that is available for download from an shop, and is offered with permission for anyone to use it, provided attribution is given to the source Etsy Shop. Naturally that attribution would have been given had the need occurred. (There were actually three patterns suggested by our Customer, who was prepared to buy the one Isobel felt she could do the best job with. The other two had patterns for manes, tails and horns - you all know how useless Isobel is without a pattern!). In the event, although Isobel was up for the challenge, the Customer changed her mind because she discovered the Squid to be stuffed with Lavender for some reason or another. (That's a FIRST for us in the time we'd been Toy Animal Restorers!),
Isobel had suggested that an 8ft fully stuffed Squid could cause immense logistical problems for either Royal Mail, or any another Courier, to handle with ease. As a solution, she asked if the Customer would de-stuff the Squid - as that way it would not take up as much space. Also the amount of stuffing (Kapok or otherwise) might pose a problem, or two, of its own for us here - since our rubbish collection arrangements could become somewhat overloaded!! When the raw Lavender was discovered. our Customer decided the effort wasn't worth it, and Isobel - though disappointed at not being able to have a go - also agreed to abandon the idea.
(Bless her, the Customer offered to pay Isobel for "wasting her time": needless to say, the offer was declined. Not much time was involved, and really it's a part and parcel of the toy-making/replacement/restoration business. You win some..... and you lose some!)
Meanwhile, we both wonder what might turn up on the Coldham Cuddlies front next week - apart that is from finishing off our Dressed Piglets, followed by the business of listing them in our Shop ( and getting on with the Nursery Mobiles.
Looking forward to the next time we meet - until then, have a good week (or two, as the case may be!).
Your friend. Cy Bear.
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