Sunday, 22 May 2016
Updates on last week's post: plus the long-promised pictures around Newark Town Centre
Hello Everybody - Cy Bear just calling in, with updates on the items I shared with you last week.
The Grey Plush Ladies' Slippers left us for Port Glasgow, Scotland (not Edinburgh, Scotland as I inadvertently told you last week) on Wednesday late morning. We've learned that the Macaw Parrot pattern is en route to us from Denver, Colorado. Finally, Isobel has completed the creation of three more Monkeys - pictured below - which still need to be listed in our Shop (www.Etsy.com/shop/COLDHAMCUDDLIES).
Isobel nipped out after she'd had lunch this afternoon - just in case the sunshine disappeared totally for the day. Now that the weather is turning warmer she'll be taking outdoor photographs of our Cuddlies as she makes them and this one (together with others that will be used when the Monkey Toys are listed) will be in our Shop later this evening, if she has time - or sometime tomorrow. (These little guys are made with a slightly lighter colour plush - and, because there's not much of it in store, I think these fellow will be listed as being Limited Editions).
Oh, before I go - we're expecting a New Patient in our Coldham Cuddlies Animal Toy Restoration Clinic. Isobel was contacted by a MsLA - based somewhere in the UK - who wants us to work on the hind legs of a Horse Toy, measuring 5ft x 1ft 8". His travel to us has been booked by Royal Mail Parcel Force - beginning Monday (May 23), he's travelling Express Post and should therefore be with us sometime before mid-day on Tuesday, May 24th. In the meantime, Isobel has got to figure out how we'll fit our Patient in - but if we could manage Count Rusty de Benj (Philippa's Giant Teddy Bear who was a Patient in 2013 or 2014 - I can't quite remember as I type this) - I expect we'll be somehow coping!
I'll keep you posted!

Now Isobel will take over to tell you more about her visit a few weeks ago to Newark Town Centre, which took place after she, Clare and GrandsonE had visited the ruins of Newark Castle (about which we posted three week's ago (see our post dated 8th May, 2016).
Greetings everyone. Sorry for the delay in posting these pictures, but what with one thing and another, life is becoming pleasantly hectic once more. Long may it continue.
Newark is an historic Town situated just off the main A1 London-Edinburgh road and you can find out a lot about it if you Google it, or go to Wikipaedia and "read all about it" there. So there's not much point in my giving you a precis here. Just to repeat what I said in my previous post, though - it's about six miles north of where Peter and I lived with our girls for 12 years after we returned to the UK after spending 12 years in Western Canada. I now live just over one hour's drive (when the traffic allows!) from the Town, and the day we visited was one of the Market Days which takes place in the Town Centre.
The Town Centre, with its Market Place is reached by several different streets and this is one of them. For pretty obvious reasons, when the Market is in situ, it's a pedestrian free locataion!
The ancient Town Hall building forms the backdrop for part of the Tuesday Market - on the day we visited.
Another view of the Market Place, with the historical buildings currently occupied by shops and other businesses in the Town. The building on the immediate right of this photograph just happens to be the one in which my personal Bank is located, and immediately between that building and its neighbour, you can catch a glimpse of St. Mary's Parish Church. Yes, the cobbled streets are still in evidence (although a somewhat modern take on the originals). Still, murder to walk on when wet or icy, and uncomfortable when dry. But, it does add to the historical authenticity of the place!!!
The magnificent Church Tower and Steeple is at the other end of the buildings shown in the previous photograph.
Many of the original buildings in the Town remain occupied, and this one is a particularly good example of the ancient architecture of the Town - although, alas, the business which once used it is now no longer extant. However, it does give you a view of the history of the Town.
Do hope you've enjoyed this short visit - and once again, I apologise for the delay in letting you complete the viewing of this lovely local town in Middle England.
See you all next week - I just wonder what on earth will be happening during the coming days this time!! Have a good one everyone.

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