Cy Bear here once again, after a busy week for Isobel - organising the Press At Home for introducing our New Hedgehog Toys, and getting Cuddlies ready for their new lives.
There are three Cuddlies almost ready for their respective journeys to their Forever Homes. Panda Bear Puppet, one of the new Baby Hedgehogs and our original Mommy Hedgehog.
I thought you'd like to see the special photograph of or new Hedgehog Family, only listed yesterday evening, and specifically going to be used in our Press offering if any TV stations turn up. (Apparently, white backgrounds don't look good on television, hence this special background for our Hogs!) Four have been invited (from BBC East Midlands and BBC Midlands and the two stations operating in the same areas from Central Indpendent Television. (Isobel was one of the first employees of Anglia Television, the station based in Norwich, Norfolk before it even came On Air in 1959, so she is really hoping they will send someone!).

Several local newspapers have also been invited to send representatives, St Tiggywinkles - although unable to attend themselves - have sent publicity literature for our guests to take away and read. West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue is being kept informed of what we hope will happen - we knew MsJL wouldn't be able to attend (because that's why we're helping to raise funds for her - she doesn't have time to do it properly for herself!). So, now all Isobel has to do is cross her fingers and hope that SOMEONE does turn up.

Several local newspapers have also been invited to send representatives, St Tiggywinkles - although unable to attend themselves - have sent publicity literature for our guests to take away and read. West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue is being kept informed of what we hope will happen - we knew MsJL wouldn't be able to attend (because that's why we're helping to raise funds for her - she doesn't have time to do it properly for herself!). So, now all Isobel has to do is cross her fingers and hope that SOMEONE does turn up.
Meanwhile, two of the new baby hedgehogs have been adopted - and Isobel is busy making them so they can be dispatched early this week - one is destined to go to Fayetteville, North Carolina (accompanied by Panda Hand Puppet). The other is going to New York State - to be the beginning a Hedgehog Collection by one of Isobel's Team Friends. This one does not have to be at its Forever Home in time for Christmas, but we're doing our best to see that it is.
Me performing my usual farewell duties to those headed for North Carolina |
Isobel is wrapping up the Cuddlies headed to the eastern side (North Carolina) with Christmas paper, as well as our usual packing materials (chemical free tissue paper and bubblewrap) while Mommy will just get the tissue and bubblewrap. There will also be a message - which MrsNA has given Isobel - contained in a Christmas card. (This is a service offered by - and adds another USD 5.00 to the overall cost of any Cuddly).
Here's Mommy Hedgehog and I just before she gets prepared for her journey to Bonsall, California. We presume that she will be opened in front of Grandma on Christmas Day - or shortly thereafter.
I'll end this week's bulletin with a photograph of our three travellers, sitting with me, while Isobel gets herself prepared for the wrapping ceremonies!
Do hope everyone is keeping well, getting ready for the Christmas festivities. Next week will be the last post before Isobel moves to High Wycombe for her Christmas with Philippa. We're hoping that while she is there, and the weather permits, that she will be able to actually visit StTiggywinkles. (If that happens, there will certainly be a post or two about that establishment - she's away for 2 Sundays).
Have a good week everyone! Your Friend, Cy Bear.
I'll end this week's bulletin with a photograph of our three travellers, sitting with me, while Isobel gets herself prepared for the wrapping ceremonies!
Do hope everyone is keeping well, getting ready for the Christmas festivities. Next week will be the last post before Isobel moves to High Wycombe for her Christmas with Philippa. We're hoping that while she is there, and the weather permits, that she will be able to actually visit StTiggywinkles. (If that happens, there will certainly be a post or two about that establishment - she's away for 2 Sundays).
Have a good week everyone! Your Friend, Cy Bear.
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