After 50 years making Toys, describing how they are made and sold on; plus histories of toys owned, met with or restored: plus odds and ends, as they occur.
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Introducing Jasper Teddy Bear - Newest Bear in the COLDHAMCUDDLIES Collection
Hello there Everyone: Cy Bear calling in to introduce you to a new Bear Friend of mine.
In between getting things organised for the COLDHAMCUDDLIES relocation adventure - whatever it may be for Isobel, I'm getting quite excited at the prospect of a different view from the bed on which I am regularly perched every day - Isobel has managed to make another Teddy Bear. When she was taking the introductory photographs of him the other afternoon, one of our neighbours asked to cuddle him - she's one of the older residents of The Hospital of St. John - and she insisted he should have a name: not be just Teddy. So, when challenged to provide him with one, she suggested he should be called Jasper - and so allow me to introduce him:
The decision has been taken that henceforth all Bears will be introduced with a bow around their necks. We just happened to have this piece of Cotton Blue and White Check ribbon in stock, and it has a floral pattern. I believe there is a tradition among humans for the colour blue to be associated with Boys and pink with Girls. We at COLDHAMCUDDLIES strive not to be gender specific, so Isobel thought by having some flowers involved, we could makeJasper equally suitable for either a Boy or a Girl - and, since he was obviously such a hit with MrsMcC-B, our friendly neighbour - even aspire to become an Adult Companion Toy.
Jasper's initial photograph in our shop at is this one - sitting down :
Unlike some of my other Bear Friends, Jasper can actually stand up quite easily - his Light Grey Faux Fur (which has some random Dark Brown stripes scattered around his arms and body) is actually quite thick, and once Isobel had sewn his suedette paw pads on, and he was stuffed, we found he didn't need to have anything to lean against, hold on to or whatever else is available as a prop when it comes to taking photographs.
He is also one of the first of the COLDHAM Bears to have a plastic nose. Whilst it may look more realistic as a facial item, I'm quite happy with my hand sewn one. It will be up to our Buyers to let Isobel know which version of the ursine probiscus they would like their Best Friend to appear with.
When Jasper stands up, he measures a stately 15 inches (38 cms) - taken from the middle of his head, between his ears, down to the floor over his back. Sitting down, though, and measured from between his ears, over his nose, down to his seat, he is 13.5 inches (34 cms). Now, perhaps an embarassing statistic for some, his tummy measures 16.5 (42 cms) around his waist. As far as Bears are concerned, I would suggest that to be a comfortable state to be in - but perhaps not necessarily a healthy one!
The fabric that Jasper is made with is one of a number of Faux Fur fabrics that we've been lucky enough to be provided with from Fine Quality Feather Company of Frome, Somerset - our source of polyester fibre with which we are all stuffed, and which meets all international safety standards. His large Teddy Bear eyes are a nice bright Amber and they are firmly affixed with metal safety discs. With the fur pile surrounding them, it will be a difficult, if not impossible, task for any little person whose fingers might try to get them out - as I'm told can sometimes happen.
( Isobel tells me that we don't have as much of this particular striped furry fabric as we have in some other colours, but there could well be enough to make at least two more Jaspers, if Jasper No.1 finds his Forever Home fairly soon. Oh, before I forget, like all of us Cuddlies, Jasper has been made in a totally smoke-free environment.)
Earlier this afternoon, I overheard Isobel telling daughter Clare (the one who lives near to where us Cuddlies are being re-located) that she's given all the other Teddy Bears waiting for their Forever Homes ribbons too.
(Now, I've not seen them yet, nor have I been offered one either. So, I shall be having a word with her and maybe we can have a Teddy Bear Parade with all of us modelling our new appendages. That would make quite a good and easy - given Isobel's other pre-occupations at the moment - post for next week. I'm not promising, but I'll see what we can come up with between us).
In the meantime, we do have other Bears in our Family - not just Teddies. If anyone is interested, you can click:
Now: just a brief update on what is happening on the relocation stakes - as far as I understand them.
The tenancy agreement has been signed.
We've had various nice gentlemen come around our present home - all with tablets or clipboards in their hands - and Isobel has been showing them which bits of furniture (most of them) and whatever else has got to be moved. They've all been a bit amazed at the fabric stash! But I have to say, they don't seem to be in the least fazed by it - which is just as well I suppose.
Isobel is increasingly confident that she's going to be able to fit almost all she currently has in three rooms into the two that are going to be available - it's going to be a snug fit, but quite feasible!
Philippa has spent the week-end with us ferrying Isobel around to the outer reaches of her friendly circle in Heytesbury and surrounding area so that she could say thanks to people like our Butcher, and others like that whom she may not have time - or be able to reach by 'bus - before she goes. She wants to say "Good Bye" face to face as much as possible, because they've all been so nice to her since Peter died and made her feel so well cared for.
The ladies also took the opportunity to do some sorting of towels, sheets etc that Isobel will not need (double sheets for example, as Isobel is looking for a single one in the new flat) and other such important household impedimenta. So, that means there's just a little bit less to pack - and find room for at the other end. (I'm reliably informed that Clare is well supplied in that particular area - and in any case, will be getting the left-over stuff that may not quite fit into our new home!)
On that optimistic note, I'll end this post. Good to be talking to you all again - until the next time.
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