Hello Everyone.
Cy Bear here, after some time waiting for Isobel to get around to her blogging duties. Afraid she's found out how to make something called Treasuries which means she has less time to do essential things like posting here. However, I've finally shamed her into doing one today - because its 12 days since she told you about The Buchanan Wolves going to Tacoma, WA and also the Hay Wolves who are in our shop at www.ColdhamCuddlies.Etsy.com.
We've got some new members in the Coldham Cuddlies family - Piglets. Isobel recently made five at the same time, three dressed in Green and White fabrics, and the other in Black and White material.
Etsy Listing #180104254 |
The Piglets dressed in Black and White are made with White Fleece, whereas the Pink Piglets (which match some big Pigs we sent to SnraCF in August 2013 ) are made with the same Pink Felt that the bigger ones were. Isobel thinks that future Piglets - they weren't as difficult for her to make as she at first feared they might be - will be made with felt, because their features show up better. It would be interesting to hear from our Followers what they would prefer.
The Piglet Twins - Boy in the middle and the Girl on the right - were sent off to Italy on February 20th. They had a very quick uneventful journey are we got a message from SnraCF that they arrived safely just four days after leaving the post Office in Warminster where Isobel had sent them from! Almost quicker than it can sometimes take for a small packet to get from one part of the UK to the next!!

Before the Piglet Twins left us, the usual farewell ceremonies took place and Isobel took this photograph of them sitting on my lap before they got wrapped up in tissue paper and bubblewrap so that they could travel with a few less bumps!

Some days before the Piglets were sent away to their Forever Home, my friend Mr. White Rabbit was wrapped up and sent off to his Forever Home in Amherst, NY, USA. MrsJD had contacted Isobel and asked us to send him so she could give him to her son, LD. He was wrapped up in the usual way and left us on February 10, so it's likely he could still be on his way - because while we've had lots and lots of rain - which has been incredibly depressing for a Bear to watch from my window every day - the folks in the USA, especially where MrsJD lives have been getting lots of snow I am told. Now I don't really know what snow is - but I am told it is white, cold and can get icy, which then becomes dangerous to walk on. That would mean, I suppose, that postmen in the USA find it difficult to deliver the mail on time. So, we hope White Rabbit will soon get to his Forever Home and that we'll be able to show you photographs of him together with his new Forever Friend.

When Isobel is not on the computer, she's now busy sewing replacements for those Cuddlies who found Forever Homes or, in the case of our Novelty Slippers, were purchased during the Craft Fairs Isobel attended before Christmas. Two Baby Hedghogs have now been made and put into their nests (if that is where Hedgehogs live (Etsy Listing #95653745) and two pairs of Fox Head Small Child's Slippers have been cut out and are in the throes of being sewn together.
Isobel is trying out what she calls her production line system. She cuts out more than one Toy or pair of Slippers at a time and when she has got all the pieces together, she then sews each side on all four slippers, then moves on to the soles, and then puts them together one at a time. Rather than making one slipper at a time. She believes it's quicker. I wouldn't know about that, of course, being just a Bear - but I'll believe her!
Right, that's all for tonight. I believe Isobel does have another post she is working on and we'll try not let quite so much time pass before we publish it. Meanwhile, I wish everyone a really good week end.
Your friend, Cy Bear.
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