Saturday, 9 November 2013

Tiger Head Golf Club Head Cover - latest Cuddly to hit the ground running

Hello Everyone:  Cy Bear here once again having been allowed to take over the introduction of this latest Golf Club Head Cover, which has been listed in our Shop at earlier today.

Etsy Listing #168592299
These Tiger Head Golf Club Head Covers are the result of a specific request from a customer with a young golf-mad friend.  One of them is destined to be his Christmas present this year.  Given the association of Tigers with Golf, it is anticipated that they could prove a popular addition to the Coldham Cuddlies Family.

The Tiger Head on the right of the picture is stuffed with one of the knitting yarn cones we use for keeping our Glove Puppets upright - which is why it looks somewhat shorter than the Tiger Head in the foreground.   Finding suitable means of displaying our collection of Golf Club Head Covers en masse is presently exercising Isobel's mind - especially with our next Craft Fair coming up in two weeks' time.

This Orange Animal Print Plush Tiger Head uses as its template the heads already used for our Long Legged Tigger Toys  ( ).   They are made specifically for covering the Heads of Wooden Driver Golf Clubs.  Each one is lined and lightly stuffed to provide extra protection for the woods.  The knitted handle cover is sufficiently long to provide protection for the metal club handles against chafing caused by movement within the Golf Club Bag, while being caddied around the golf course.  This Orange Tiger Head  Plush cover is modelled on a No.1 Wood, but has sufficient room for bigger clubs if required.

The Club Handle cover is Handmade, using Black and Orange Double Knitting yarns, using  a Double Rib striped pattern for the 12" (31cm) length of the cover, and the Tiger Head is lined with White Calico sheeting material,.  The ColdhamCuddlies label is attached inside the head to provide the requisite provenance.

The weight is negligible, so they will easily travel at the Standard Small Packet rate charged by UK Royal Mail.  They will also not add greatly to a larger Toy's travel charge if they are required to accompany them.

These Golf Club Head Covers are a popular branch of the ColdhamCuddlies Family - born of a suggestion made by a Lady Golfer of my acquaintance, who is this year's Lady Captain of her local Golf Club in Nottinghamshire, England, UK.

The No.1 Driver Club has been donated to enable to me produce other Head Covers in future, and the original  owner has been good enough to provide a customer test of this particular cover.  His verdict?

 "Splendid:  my hand (a big fist!) fits in comfortably:  it means a bigger club than this one will have no trouble in fitting in either.  The knitted handle demonstrates sufficient elasticity to be able to cope with getting a regular dousing when the elements are not being helpful when playing on the golf course!"

This is a sideways, frontal view of the Tiger Head Golf Club Cover before his nose had been embroidered and his ears fitted;  and to finish the photograph show here is one of the Tiger Heads modelling the full length Golf Club.

Isobel intends to give a blow-by-blow description of how these Tiger Heads Golf Club covers are created - as is her wont - sometime in the next few days.

Meanwhile, she's off to cut out and sew two replacement Panda Glove Puppets (Etsy Listing #91356474) - one of which now has his Forever Home allocated (in Queensland, Australia).  Earlier this week, we received an order from MrsEB - a fellow Member of one of the Etsy Teams Isobel frequents each day.  Not only will Panda Glove Puppet be travelling to Sunnybank Hills (isn't that a wonderfully evocative place name - especially when I look outside my window and see the rain teeming down here in the UK!!), but so too will one Pink and White Baby Bunny (Etsy Listing #166947912) and Grandma White Rabbit (Etsy Listing #721688846).  I'll leave Isobel to tell you the exact proposed  distribution of the trio in her next post - but meanwhile, I'll end this one by wishing you all a great week-end.

Your Friend - as always.  Cy Bear

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