Thursday, 17 October 2013

Goodness, Gracious, Me - as the saying goes!

Good evening everyone.

It's great to be back here posting directly once more - although, don't get me wrong, it's been great to be able to do it when I was away from base as well.  Thanks to Clare and Alan for allowing me access via their wi-fi hub for hours of internet fun while I was with them for five weeks, which passed all too quickly.

Since returning home last Saturday, have been trying to get myself organised - what with the need for replacements for Cuddlies who have found their Forever Homes, picking up orders from where they were left before I went away (the Frog Slippers went to MrsJW - a.k.a. my Podiatrist, who keeps my feet in order!):

I've also received a custom order for a pair of Childrens Small Size Slippers - with Koala Heads.  This is for  a lady from Heytesbury, who is going to be in Australia for Christmas, but wants her London-based baby grand daughter to have some Australian-type slippers for her second Christmas!   Obviously, I cannot show those here yet, but this is what they could look like - but in a smaller size!

Since Monday, I've cut out and completed four replacement Purple Fleece Baby Bunnies (two with white chests, and two completely self colour) and today have managed to sew three all White Baby Bunnies needing to be replaced.  They are currently in their component pieces of ears, cotton-tails and body and will be put together tomorrow.  My fingers were complaining at the end of the afternoon sewing session, so decided to stop and go on line for my daily surfing session.

When all the replacements are finished, I am planning to list them separately by colour.  Not only will this increase the number of listings in our Etsy shop (, but it will make it easier for buyers to find them when looking for Christmas Stocking stuffers (I hope!). Fellow members in the various Etsy Teams I have joined all keep saying that the more listings one has, the more folks will visit one's Shop.  So, that's what this is also all about.

After going on line, though, I am reeling with surprised shock.  I have just discovered that my Cuddlies have been featured in four different Treasuries today!! That's a first.  Am always being told that the more Treasuries one is featured in, the higher the chance of sales appearing - so, here's hoping!!!

If you feel like it my lovely Followers (all 349 of you, not to mention my Google+ ones as well) - and also if you have the time to spare - you may like to click on these Treasuries and see what clever folks we have on Etsy.

It's also a first that I've been able to figure out how to list more than one thing at a time.    It's only taken three years on Etsy to be able to figure it out and now I've finally done it.  Just you wait now, folks:  I'll be posting multiple listings till I'm blue in the face!  It's always been a complete mystery before, so don't ask me how I figured it out today.  St. Barbara (patron saint of computing, I believe) must have been watching out for me.

I'm a bit late today, what with the Treasuries action, as well as sewing three new White Baby Bunnies.  They are in their component bits, ready to be put together tomorrow.  My fingers were complaining of over work by the time I did them this afternoon.

Then, later, when checking another of my daily sites on Etsy, I discovered that the Cuddlies had been featured on yet another Treasury.  Don't exactly know what is happening, but it's not an unpleasant feeling! However, pride must be coming before a fall here;   because I've just tried to create a tab for this last  Treasury, but cannot seem to be able to do it!!!!  Anyway, suffice to say, that I'm chuffed to bits, and if you go through all these Treasuries and heart them (if you can from outside Etsy - not sure if that is possible, but hey - why not have a go!) that will just make my day.

All this has been on top of the unusual, but very pleasant, feeling of being able to pay in a goodly sum into the Cuddlies bank account - which includes the sales made while I was in Nottinghamshire, and about which Cy Bear posted last week.  Cy did a great job over-seeing the empty cupboard while the Cuddlies and I were in Nottinghamshire!  We're glad to be back together again - and all the travelling Cuddlies are back in their accustomed plastic bags - waiting their next appearance at the next Craft Fair (on November 2).!

So, all in all a great day.  Wonder what will happen next?  Until the next time.    Isobel

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