Saturday 20 August 2011

Successful Dress Rehearsal - here's to the next one!

Hello again, everyone - Cy Bear posting once more.  Isobel and I have just got back from the Parish Church of St. Peter & St. Paul in Heytesbury - the village where we live - and I'm very pleased to tell you that we've had quite a successful morning!

We went along with the little Cuddlies - Baby Rabbits, Koalas and Pandas - as well as returning my new friend, Golden Teddy, so he could get ready to carry on his duties as Church Child Comforter.  I went along - because I wanted to see where Golden Teddy lived and because of course, as official ColdhamCuddlies ( Mascot I have to supervise what happens to my fellow Cuddlies - big or little.  It's the first time I've been in a church, and I have to say it is an impressive place.  But, it's a bit big for me, a little cold and dark, and think I definitely prefer living where I do with Isobel and Peter and the rest of the Cuddlies.  Golden Teddy looked a little lonely when everyone left after the produce sale was over, but then I suppose he's used to it.

When we all arrived our card table was pointed out to us and Isobel laid out the display.  She had made a poster especially for me, which told everyone who visited our table that I "WAS NOT FOR SALE"  and inviting everyone to take one of our business cards if they wanted to get in touch with Isobel at a later date.
She had also done some posters showing the before and after shots of Ed Ted.  These attracted a great deal of attention  and actually resulted in a new patient for the Soft Toy Clinic  (Etsy Listing 79124185). arriving for treatment

He's a small bear, about the same size as Brr Bear, but younger and he's got a nasty burn on the left side of his face.  The rest of him looks absolutely fine, but we think he's going to have to have a completely new covering - because it's likely to be impossible to get the same kind of fabric as he is in now, and he'd look really odd with a different kind of face only.  His Best Friend, called Penny, is in no hurry but has also got another toy needing treatment, when this one is finished!  We're not sure what this Bear is called, but will be talking to Penny soon, and will then find out.  

That now makes two glove puppet bears, a huge Koala resting comfortably in the clinic, as well as Brr Bear and Tommy Teddy- who are undergoing treatment! The Clinic is getting busy, isn't it?

Now, the object of the exercise today, as well as being an opportunity to help with the upkeep of St. Peter & St. Paul's Church, was to see if the Cuddlies would be popular.  Well, in just an hour's selling time, we found homes for two Baby Rabbits (a White one - shown in this picture and listed in our shop as Etsy #55036116) as well as a Brown Baby Rabbit, with a white front (Etsy Listing# 73079287):

This White Baby Rabbit had a pink ribbon
They were purchased by two ladies who are on holiday in England, and have been staying in a cottage in Heytesbury for the last two weeks.  They hail from Tennessee, which I am told is in the United States of America.  The rabbits are not travelling that far though:  the ladies have been invited to dinner with the next-door neighbours who have two children with whom they have made friends while they've been in the village and decided it would be nice to take the baby rabbits this evening as a gift!  Maybe, therefore, Isobel and I may bump into them when we're walking around!  Here is a picture of the Brown Baby Rabbits:
The Brown Rabbit on the left was chosen
Then two of our Koala friends (Etsy Listing #55190188) were purchased by the lady who lives next-door to us at the Hospital of St. John.  She has two grand children with birthdays coming up close together and decided the Koalas would be just the right gift.  She also mentioned that there was a third birthday in the not too distant future - but as she didn't have enough cash with her (having already purchased fresh vegetables and cakes and things, which is really what the weekly sale is all about, (Coldham Cuddlies were a bit of an experiment all round) she said she would get in touch nearer that birthday!
One of each version left us today
Now, Isobel has got to get down to making more of these little chaps - because we are now only down to two in the shop (, so what with the patients in the Soft Toy Clinic (Etsy #79124185) some undergoing therapy and the others resting until their turns, she is going to be busy!

But, as I said at the beginning of this post, it's been a successful dress rehearsal for the MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning sale on Septembr 30 - so here we go!

Good night everyone!  Cy Bear

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Updating with latest developments.

Greetings to everyone.  It is a day or two since I posted anything here, and I think a short update on background developments is needed.

Tommy Teddy and Brr Bear's treatment is temporarily on hold - because Bear Basics, my bear product supplier, would seem to be on holiday.  Have yet to receive a reply to the letter in which I enclosed relevant ears and paw pad (latter for Tommy Teddy) and asking for prices for growlers.  This latter requirement is for Brr Bear, and will be a first for me.

Am lucky, because when I first began the handmade toy lark early in 2010, I had another bear supplies source and they were kind enough to send me a booklet they produced which gave me step-by-step instructions in all such mysteries of the bear fabrication business.  So while equipped to provide the service, I have only just been requested to perform the procedure.  While slightly frustrated at the lack of response from Bear Basics, I have to remember it is still August, the middle of the summer holiday season, and I know Susan has children - so she's probably away from base.  It is only two weeks since I requested the information on fabric matches, etc. so I shall have to be patient.  Does'nt the time go slowly, when one wants to get on with a project and gets held up by matters outside one's own control?

Fortunately, I've been busy completing the toys for New South Wales and Saudi Arabia, which have been mentioned in recent posts.  Cy Bear and I wait to hear of their safe arrival at their respective destinations - probably at the beginning of next week.

Having introduced Golden Teddy to the ColdhamCuddlies (  world, I am pleased to report that daugther P, owner of Tommy Teddy agrees with me that the former is a pretty good match (in shape) for Tommy Teddy and is more than happy for me to model her re-created bear using his features.  That is a relief - so the next step in the Soft Toy Clinic ( #79124185) will be for me to trace Golden Teddy's seams and use them to create templates for me to cut out the new Tommy Teddy - as and when the fabric makes its appearance.

I propose to attempt to achieve this by taking a piece of the chemical free tissue paper in which all the Cuddlies are wrapped when they are prepared for journeys to their new homes.  Using a felt-tipped pen, I think I should be able to trace Golden Teddy's seams, and then I hope to be able to transfer them to the cardboard sheets I have in hand for just such purposes.  Hope to begin that work tomorrow - once we've returned from a routine visit to Salisbury District Hospital for Peter.  Please keep your fingers crossed for success in this venture - it's infinitely preferably to trying to re-make Tommy Teddy as he is now - as I'll show when I take the necessary photos!

Last night I prepared a poster for use at the Hospital of St John's produce sale this Saturday.

 The poster consists of three pictures of Ed Ted when he first arrived at the Soft Toy Clinic in July beside Ed Ted himself, who will be accompanying me to the event - must say the contrast is pretty impressive, even though it's me who says it!!
Ed Ted and Cy Bear together taking the sun

I'm only taking the smaller toys and Cy Bear for this junket - which is going to be a dress-rehearsal for the MacMillan Biggest Coffee Morning on September 30.  I'm very excited about the latter exhibition - because it's the sort of opportunity for which one has to be invited to attend. None of this going and asking if one can exhibit!  Feel it's an indication, however slight,  that the word is beginning to get out that ColdhamCuddlies ( is in existence.

Obviously, I'll keep everyone posted as to the results - if any.  The arrangement for both upcoming dates is that 10% of any sales will be donated to the specific fund-raising projects involved:  in the case of this Saturday, it will be for the upkeep of  the Parish Church of St. Peter & St. Paul in Heytesbury, while it will be MacMillan Cancer charity will get their share (hopefully) and I'll be taking some of the bigger toys with me on that occasion, as well as the little ones.

Am also delighted to report that as of today, the blog now has 24 followers.  Just one more, and I may be persuaded to join another Etsy team which concentrates on helping blogger-beginners like me to make even more of an impact than I feel I'm slowly starting to achieve.  Annie of Emptyontheinside (we've developed a great blogging and correspondence relationship, which I'm enjoying immensely) is a member of this team and is urging my participation.  Depending on how the two outings turn out, I may well follow her advice.  Thanks to everyone who has followed me to date:  here's to many more, I sincerely hope.

All the best.  Isobel

Saturday 13 August 2011

Introducing a new Friend

We are both very pleased to introduce you all to a new Friend, who has come to stay with  us for a week.  His name (the one we've given him, anyway - because we don't know what anyone else calls him!) is Golden Teddy and he has a very special job to do for us while he is with us.  He is to be the model for Isobel to use when rejuvenating Tommy Teddy - because he is the dead spitting image of how she remembers Tommy Teddy, when he first came to stay with the Morrell Bear Family in the 1970's, and will make the job easier for her to achieve.

Golden Teddy and Cy Bear on a convenient garden chair
The interesting thing about all this is that in all the years they've known him, Isobel has never seen another Bear like Tommy Teddy, and although he is not the same colour(s) as him, he is the same shape and size.  He is also made with a more modern pattern (and Isobel thinks she can improve on that too while she has Golden Teddy staying with us) so rejuvenating Tommy Teddy is not going to be quite as much of a nightmare as he might otherwise have been.  Here is one of the latest pictures of Tommy Teddy - before he was deconstructed and given a bath, and Isobel struggled to put him back together again.

Can  you see the similarity?

Where did Golden Teddy come from?  Well, every Saturday morning each summer, the Parish Church in Heytesbury holds a produce sale, at which the local gardeners donate their surplus produce for other villagers to buy - with the proceeds going towards the upkeep of the Church.  It's a 12th Century building, so you can understand  it takes a lot of looking after.

Well, last week Isobel went to see if there was anything she could buy, as well as to get some raffle tickets, which are also sold and are a real money-spinner.  Isobel has been quite lucky this year, incidentally, which is why she goes back so regularly!  Sitting in one of the pews was Golden Teddy - and she had not seen him there before.  However, upon enquirng, she found out that Golden Teddy has a very important job.  He is the offical Church Child Comforter.  Whenever a little person finds the old building - which is rather large, echoes a bit, and can be rather dark and cold sometimes - a bit overwhelming, then they are given Golden Teddy to cuddle.  Apparently, he has one particular little girl-friend who makes a bee-line for him, whether she is overwhelmed or not!

After checking to see there were no Family Services planned for the Church this coming week, Golden Teddy was allowed to come to stay with us for a week - and Isobel will be taking him back to his duties, when she sets up a table on which the smaller ColdhamCuddlies (Baby Rabbits, Koalas and Pandas in the shop) will be displayed at next week's produce sale.

The Hospital of St. John residents have undertaken responsibility for organising next week's event, and Isobel has been allowed to show off the little Cuddlies!  This is a first for us - which is exciting  and it will also be a practice-run for another sale which we've been invited to attend on September 30th - which is the MacMillan Cancer Research "Biggest Coffee Morning in the World" - an annual event held in a big barn located on one of the farms in the village.  So, we're beginning to get some local publicity, which we hope will be successful for both the Shop ( and the Soft Toy Clinic (  Isobel is planning to create some posters showing some of the rest of us and, obviously, we'll be telling you all about those as they come and go.

Now we've got to end this post as Isobel must get on and finish stuffing the second replacement Baby White Rabbit and complete sewing and stuffing the replacement Panda Bear.  The Panda Bear destined for Saudi Arabia left Heytesbury for his new home this morning.

Golden Teddy - sideways on

Goodnight from both Isobel and Cy Bear!

Thursday 11 August 2011

Hail and Farewell

Hello again - it's Cy Bear talking to you, as promised during the last post.  There's a lot to tell and photos to share with you all - so here goes.

This morning, Isobel took the two Baby White Rabbits to Heytesbury Post Office and they duly caught the 1125 BST (which I'm told stands for British Summer Time - there's precious little sign of summer here today, by the way) post headed for Mrs. GC's home in Beecroft, New South Wales, Australia.  They were well wrapped up in chemical free tissue paper and bubble wrap and then placed in a polythene air mail bag, so they should be as comfortable as it is possible to be.  I said good-bye to them as is my custom:

Sitting on the ground in the garden at home
Then yesterday evening, rather late, Isobel finally managed to list the new member of the Coldham Cuddlies family in our shop at  He is known as Bear with a Blue Scarf (a.k.a. Little Ed Ted), and his Etsy Listing number is #79522674.  I'd like to officially welcome him to the Familly by including his picture with me below:

Little Ed Ted standing with me in the garden
Little Ed Ted is a somewhat smaller bear than all the rest of us in the Coldham Cuddlies family of Bears, and he's the first of us to have an adornment in the form of a scarf.  When he was completed, Isobel
felt that his neck was a little longer than expected and felt that a scarf would be the ideal way to make him look casual, smart and elegant.  She used royal blue double knitting wool for the main bit of the scarf, and white and light blue wool for the edges, including all three colours in the tassles.  The fabric Little Ed Ted is made from is the same as that used to rejuvenate Ed Ted, which is 17mm Dense Distressed Spring Gold mohair.  Isobel says that she loved using it and will be using it again whenever requested.

Oh, another thing, we've now got three more patients who have joined the ColdhamCuddlies Soft Toy Clinic (Etsy Listing #79124185).  They arrived in the post this morning - from Ed Ted's best friend RFE incidentally - having been discovered in a corner of RFE's home attic just before he handed his house over, the sale having been completed.  They include two glove puppet Bears and a huge big Koala - which is going to be exciting for the existing Koalas (Etsy Listing #55190188)  in the ColdhamCuddlies shop (

They are going to make an exciting addition to the family and Isobel will give them a real up date once Tommy Teddy and Brr Bear have been rejuvenated.  We're still waiting to hear from Bear Basics - and presume that Susan must be on holiday, as no one was answering the telephone this afternoon.

Isobel is quite busy still completing Panda Bear's replacement, so there's no rush on that score - yet. Panda Bear begins his journey to Saudi Arabia on Saturday, so his departure will be recorded in our next posting.  In the interim, here is another picture of Little Ed Ted, as well as another one of Panda Bear in the garden here at home in Heytesbury.
Little Ed Ted standing on a bench in the garden
Panda Bear on the same spot as Little  Ed Ted
So, with that, I'll end tonight's post.  Have a great day tomorrow, and be with you again soon.  Cy Bear

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Getting Ready for their new homes

Good evening, everyone - sorry for the delay in our posting but I've been busy, and so far, Cy Bear has not learned how to input his contributions for himself, let alone me.  As I've said before, do wish there were more hours to each day!

Anyhow, here's what's been happening.  I've managed to complete the order for New South Wales and in the next couple of days (Wednesday is early closing day in Heytesbury - they still follow that schedule in the only shop in the village, which also happens to be the Post Office as well.), the two White Baby Rabbits ordered by Mrs. GC of Beecroft, New South Wales, Australia will be winging their way to their new home.

The earliest I find I can begin to work on Coldham Cuddlies business ( is usually the afternoons, and tomorrow is no exception!  So, Thursday will likely be when they are posted from the village.

Oh - before I go any further:  Annie from Okalahoma, newish Etsy friend at EmptyontheInside and blogger at has kindly included me as a Guest Blogger.  She's posted a version of my post about the Soft Toy Clinic, using Little Red Ted's treatment as her post - and has invited me to provide her with the Ed Ted therapy programme as well.  That's another job for me later this week.  Isn't it great to be so busy doing things one enjoys?  

Meanwhile, Panda Bear is ready for his journey to Saudi Arabia, and with any luck, his replacement will be in place shortly after he leaves us.  His preparations for the trip included a photograph taken today in the garden here at the Hospital of St. John.  The weather finally allowed me to get snapping, and we've got a whole lot shots to share with you, including this one of Panda Bear:

Sitting among the marigolds
In addition to this activity, have managed to work out how to put Tommy Teddy back again.  That really was a puzzle and it took me a whole morning, getting increasingly frustrated  and losing pins all over the ironing board, surrounding floor and in my fingers before I worked him out.  Then I found that none of the bits of cardboard in my stock was big enough for me to create the template for me to cut out the final covering for the old fellow.  Today, I got the biggest piece of cardboard I could find in Warminster, and am not sure if even that is going to big enough!  Watch this space.

I've also completed a new member of the Coldham Cuddlies family and will be listing him tomorrow - using his appearance for another posting.  He'd been named Little Ed Ted and mentioned in an earlier post when I was renovating Ed Ted, because I'd been able to use the Ed Ted leftovers.  He's got another label, which will be revealed in the next post.

Meanwhile, here is a picture of Cy Bear - who will probably be doing the introduction of the new Cuddly - with the Baby White Rabbits taken in the garden this afternoon.  Must not put his nose out of joint must we?

Goodnight for now.  Isobel

Friday 5 August 2011

Announcing the Opening of ColdhamCuddlies Soft Toy Clinic

 Having talked about the likelihood of opening the ColdhamCuddlies Soft Toy Clinic, I finally took the step yesterday and listed the Clinic on the ColdhamCuddlies shop site on Etsy (Etsy Listing # 79124185 - and backed it up by announcing it on both Twitter and Facebook.  Decided it would do no harm to copy the description of how the service will work as a separate post - so here goes.

"Description of Service:

Offering a new service to all Buyers on Etsy who have elderly toys in need of some TLC and or a complete makeover.  Prospective Patients may be any stuffed animal toy.   Bears have so far been featured, but I am
prepared to assess Foxes, Rabbits, Coyotes, and any other Etsy toys - EXCEPT Dolls.  Afraid I am not into THEM - and never have been.

HOW WILL IT WORK?  Buyers may send the Patient to the contact address featured at site at their expense.  Once the assessment has been completed, Buyers will be notified of what I can do to help restore the Patient to as near it’s former appearance as is currently possible.

You will then be asked to order the work by using the Etsy Purchasing process and including the Consultancy Fee which will always be 40.00 USD plus the current cost in the Coldham Cuddly Shop for Bears, Rabbits, Foxes/Coyotes and other animals that may feature in future. If Buyers need more information about the probable cost, please convo or e mail me - details are contained in my Etsy Profile and I will be happy to clarify the position. 

Price differentials will also be in place if only partial repairs are required:  the cost of these procedures will also be discussed with the Buyer prior to any permanent action being undertaken. 

 If the animal presented for assessment  is a newbie (i.e. does not currently feature in our shop)  or differs markedly in size and shape from our existing models, a special price will be quoted and no action will be taken regarding the purchasing process until all parties are satisfied.  The information will be conveyed to you via Etsy Convo and/or e-mail - Buyers’ choice.

The Patient will be returned to the Buyer  following the procedures already outlined in the Shipping section of the ColdhamCuddlies shop and will be at ColdhamCuddlies’ expense - using the most appropriate first class mail rates in operation to the Patient’s home address.  Shipping details will be conveyed to the Buyer once the journey has commenced.   THIS APPLIES IF IT IS DECIDED NOT TO PROCEED WITH THE PROJECT  as well as when a project is completed to the satisfaction of all parties.  Progress will explained on our blog at

If Buyers would like a video of the entire treatment process (which may incorporate photos already used on the blog), there will be an additional charge of 10.00USD.

 Customers should bear in mind -  depending on the Patient’s origins and age:

    Dyes can be different, and therefore an exact match may not be possible. You will be consulted before any further action is taken;

    He/She will probably be bigger than remembered - please see note on my modus  operandi .

    It is difficult, if not impossible, to provide an exact replica of the original:  however, you  can rest assured, every effort will be made to render one that gives the best outcome.


    Every project is likely to be different.  However, potential Buyers of the service can refer to the various posts contained in my blog at of  Little Red Ted/Treatment of Ed Ted.  The posts can be found in the Blog Archives (March/April 2011 for the former:  July 2011 in the case of the latter)

TOYS FEATURED:  Little Red Ted is a Plush Fabric Toy, originally a former Army Bear who travelled everywhere his family had been posted with the British Army.  Middle East, and Germany featured prominently in his former travels and his adventures included run ins with family dogs.  He now lives peacefully with his Best Friend, who admits to being "nearly 80" here in Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK.

Ed Ted Bear arrived in the Clinic at the beginning of July and was the constant companion of a young Boy, going everywhere together.  He had spent the last 20-25 years wrapped in two plastic bags in the attic of the family home.  He only appeared when the attic was being cleared after the death of Ed Ted's Best Friend's Mother in December 2010 and was sent to the Clinic to see if he could be helped back to health.  He faces an exciting future, travelling to live in Italy with his Best Friend in the very near future and meeting a white cat named SNOW, who adopted the Best Friend in 2010."

Hello there Followers, Readers and everyone else:  Cy Bear here just to keep you informed about what is happening in the Clinic ( - #79124185) and regarding the Cuddlies who are preparing to be adopted shortly.

Isobel has cut out three new Baby White Rabbits and has sewn one.  It is now ready for stuffing and putting together.  MrsC from Beecroft, New South Wales, Australia has asked that one Bunny has a yellow ribbon and the other a turqoise one.  They are intended as "welcome to the world" gifts for twins who are expected shortly.  Mum apparently knows that one is a boy:  the other is going to be "a surprise" and everyone agrees that these two colours are properly neutral for whatever joins its brother!

Panda is ready to go and  his replacement is cut out and ready to be sewn together once all the Bunnies are complete.  Isobel will get down to stuffing and sewing the other two cut out Bunnies just as soon as she's finished this post.

Meanwhile, the patients in the Clinic are continuing their treatment.  Tommy Teddy survived his wash, having spent the whole night in a cool bath, and apparently the water was quite dark when he was extracted.  He spent yesterday and this morning in the Laundry area of The Hospital of St. John, where we all live, and is now back home waiting to be ironed out so that Isobel can make the cardboard pattern pieces from which he will be cut out - once we've got the fabric sorted.  A request for a prices and suggested materials has been sent.

Brr Bear, meanwhile, is lying down on his back - resting, before his treatment begins.  He looks very comfortable.

I'll bring this post to an end so Goodnight  for now and we both hope that you'll remember the Clinic if you come across a stuffed animal toy who needs help to look better.  Isobel does enjoy doing them:  and I like to see them get better looking as the days go by.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Latest ColdhamCuddlies update

My word - what a day this has been!  Things seem to have happened thick and fast today - not that either Cy Bear nor I are complaining.

So, let me (Isobel) begin with an update on the two new ColdhamCuddlies patients:  Brr Bear is waiting to be deconstructed, but has an ear missing (more information on that matter in a minute).  Tommy Teddy has been completely taken to bits and is now wallowing in a basin full of cool water in which he will be all night.  He's had the first layer of three decade's plus worth of dust, wear and tear removed:  the soaking in cold water will, hopefully, remove another layer.  He will then be dried out naturally and ironed out.  He really is the most odd shape and I shall be having nightmares about getting him back together again - until I actually sit down and do it.  That's my modus operandi, I fear.  He, too, is missing an ear as well as a paw pad.**  His stuffing turned out to be foam rubber which had been cut up from whatever sources it had originated from - and I dread to think what could have happened had he been anywhere near a live flame.  The foam was certainly not fireproof!  It has been deposited at the Warminster Dump!

**This is because I've sent them to Susan at Bear Basics to see if she can match them up with her impressive stock of bear-making fabrics.  She not only has the Steiff Shulte fabrics, but a whole lot more as well, and I am confident that she will not let Coldham Cuddlies ( down.  Put it this way:  if she cannot help, am not quite sure where I'll be able to find anything remotely like Tommy Teddy now, given that dyes and materials have changed so much since he arrived to live with the Morrells in the early 1970's.

Cy Bear interrupting here:  Isobel has learned that we have received orders for three Cuddlies, so she's going to be busy on these while she waits to hear from her fabric supplier.  Two Baby White Rabbits like the one shown below are off to New South Wales, Australia (which I understand is the other side of the world away from here).

Baby White Rabbit - Etsy Listing # 55036116

And then we've received another order from Mrs B-P from Saudi Arabia for one of our Panda Bears. (She was the person who ordered Hairy Bear some weeks' ago - and we hear that he's had an accident with one of his legs.  So, we're expecting him to become a patient in the ColdhamCuddlies Soft Toy Clinic soon, too.) Panda Bear will be going to Saudi Arabia, which I'm told is about half the world away from England, UK, so all three of them have got  long air journeys ahead of them.   Panda's photo is coming up now.

Panda Bear - Etsy Listing #55047110
Now it's Isobel back again to take up the final bit of the latest ColdhamCuddlies update story.  We've got back in touch with Annie  from EmptyontheInside, and I'll be copying and sending off all the items related to the Ed Ted treatment history for her to use in her blog at  Poor lass - they're suffering a heatwave in her part of the USA (think it's Okalahoma)  where temperatures are forecast to reach 116 degrees Fahrenheit, for Heaven's sake! Apparently, they've not seen temperatures like it since the 1980's.   Now we've been groaning at 90 degrees, although we've been promised more reasonable temperatures after a day of rain tomorrow, so we've got few reasons to complain, methinks.

Thus, one way or another, I'm going to be busy, busy, busy.... and neither Cy Bear or I would have it any other way.  Until we meet again......Cy Bear  and  Isobel

Sunday 31 July 2011

Ed Ted - Treatment complete

Cy Bear and Isobel are both pleased (and not a little relieved, respectively) to announce that Ed Ted's rejuvenating treatment is satisfactorily completed.  Here he is  - NOW!

Taken in a neighbour's garden

And just to remind you all, because it is nearly a month since the therapy began, here he was when he arrived early in July:

Ed Ted - first glimpse
The final stage was not without some excitement.  Once the head was attached, Isobel stuffed Ed Ted really firmly, only to find that the left arm did not lie right.  So, she unstuffed him, and after a bit of difficulty managed to fit the arm in the correct position.  Now, he's a very proud Associate Member of the Coldham Cuddlies family, and whilst not able - yet - to feature in the shop at, he soon will be, as Isobel intends to officially announce the opening of the ColdhamCuddlies Soft Toy Clinic sometime this coming week.  She intends to use similar pictures of both Ed Ted and Little Red Ted to illustrate how the Soft Toy Clinic will operate.

The Clinic's impending opening has been bought forward, as we now have two more patients awaiting treatment.  We'll introduce them here in this post and talk about them at greater length in forthcoming posts.  Their names are Brr Bear, whose best friends are Mrs. DK and Mrs. HR (the latter being the daughter of the former). 

Brr Bear in front of Tommy Teddy
Tommy Teddy is one of the Morrell Family Bears - currently in elder daughter, Philippa's, collection and has been with us since the early 1970's.  He was originally pink and blue in colour:  he's faded somewhat, so Isobel is going to give him a new coat - hopefully in similar colours, and re-stuff him with safe polyester fibre as he's currently stuffed with rubber foam,  that could be dangerously inflammable.  Foam rubber in the 1970's here in the UK was not treated and was often used to stuff cushions (and toys) before it was found to be so dangerous when involved in fires.

With that, we'll both end our updates from the Coldham Cuddlies fold for today.  Good night all - Cy Bear and Isobel

Thursday 28 July 2011

Ed Ted latest - nearly there!

Hello there everyone - this is Cy Bear back to bring you the last two posts about the rejuvenation of Ed Ted Bear.  Isobel and I are sorry that it's taking so long, but the problem caused by the "missing link" (a.k.a the missing washer to join his head to his body) took longer to solve than we both expected.  However, finally, we got it and Isobel managed to fix his body on. That was a bit more difficult than expected  as he's got such a lot of fur - not to mention his original body layers - that Isobel's arthritic fingers found it quite difficult to manipulate the joint pieces in place.

This is how Ed Ted has been looking since the beginning of the week with all his legs fitted on to his body, and the head waiting for the missing washer.

On Tuesday, after Isobel had been to RNAS (Royal Naval Air Service) Museum at Yeovilton, in Somerset (about 40 miles from here) she visited Susan at Bear Basics at her shop and home in a village near Wincanton, Somerset, which was en route homewards.  Ed Ted had accompanied the family party wrapped in a plastic bag inside a shopping bag, so the ladies were able to make sure the right washer could be applied.

When everyone came home again, as Isobel's children (2 girls and husband of one of them) wanted to talk to both her and Peter,  no sewing was done on Ed Ted that night (although Litte Ed Ted - whom Isobel had sewed together while waiting to be able to finish Ed Ted himself - was stuffed and his head added.)  He's looking as though he's going to be quite a cheeky chap when completed!

Yesterday evening, Ed Ted's head was finally fixed to his body, but Isobel felt that his legs were not quite in the right place.  So it meant they had to be taken off and put on again - hence our not being able to finish him tonight.  All that is now needed is for Ed Ted's body to be stuffed, his paw pads sewn on and then his claws and facial features embroidered on in the appropriate positions.  That should be done in a couple of evenings, but meanwhile, here is a picture of Ed Ted - head in place - waiting to be stuffed! 

You can see what I meant - a few posts ago - when I said Ed Ted is going to be a BIG BEAR!  When complete, he will become an Associate Member of the Coldham Cuddlies family - because, of course, having a home with RFE - his Best Friend - already, he cannot be displayed in the ColdhamCuddlies shop at  I shall be pleased to make his acquaintance - and be photographed beside him!  Meanwhile, goodnight .... Cy Bear

 Before closing this post, this is Isobel back for a quick write-up - as promised - about the visit the Yeovilton.

The whole day was simply great and the "birthday boy" thoroughly enjoyed every moment.  When a lot of walking is involved, we have to use a wheelchair, but our son-in-law took over that duty and was not only an able pilot, but an accomplished guide as we all went round the exhibits.  Peter's main wish was to see and learn more about the Buccaneer aircraft:  that was satisfactorily accomplished.  The rest of us - all 'plane enthusiasts, with not too much expert knowledge - just enjoyed walking round.  Main impression was the very small amount of "elbow-room" that pilots are expected to operate in!  Best bit?  The tour round the "mock-up" of an aircraft-carrier:  from the launch of a Phantom jet off the flight deck to the landing of a Buccaneer (so realistic!) as well as the explanation of the various important components of daily life in an aircraft carrier.  Interactive displays and lots of opportunity for young people to press buttons and see what happens!  Even a spot to sit and draw one's impressions of the aircraft on display in the various exhibition halls, with selected artistic efforts placed on a wall for the benefit of other visitors!  If any readers of this blog visit the UK - RNAS Yeovilton (an operational air station as well as home to the Museum) is well worth including in your itinerary.

The day was completed with a really nice lunch at a village gastro pub en route to Susan of Bear Basics, and after a satisfactory business transaction (including the missing washer), we came home and had a lovely family chinwag over a cup of tea!  Very British, don't you think?

Hope to be posting the final installment of Ed Ted's transformation next time (probably in a couple of days).  Meanwhile, thanks for your patience!  Isobel

Friday 22 July 2011

Starting a new project or two

Still no joy on the missing washer for Ed Ted - so he is languishing in the work-room waiting for his head to be joined to his body.  However, as Susan from Bear Basics and I are due to meet for the first time next Tuesday (July 26) she's probably decided not to risk posting such a small bit of plastic via the "tender mercies" of Royal Mail, and I've thus decided that I'll take Ed's head with me when we have a family outing that day - about which I will post tomorrow evening.  Then we can make sure that the joint will fit and not result in a wobbly head for Ed Ted - even if it means getting a packet of 10 of the same size!  I'll not waste them!

In the meantime, I have cut out my next toy:  looking at the left-over mohair I've been using to re-cover Ed Ted,  I suspected that there might just be enough to make an Old Gold version of Little Red Ted - whose pattern template I filed away after completing that project.  Just to remind folks what he looked like, here is a picture:

Sitting in the garden with Cy Bear
It was great to be proved right, so I immediately drew out Little Red on the remaining mohair material, also cut out the same brown suedette paw pads, and after completing this post tonight, will be starting sew the pieces together.  For the purposes of labelling, I think I'll call this one Little Ed Ted, as hopefully he will turn out a smaller version of our current friend.  Not  a terribly original name I admit, but then that's not necessarily my forte.

The other thing I'm working on - which has been mentioned in convos on Etsy ( in recent weeks as well as here - is an idea for expanding the renovation/rejuvenation service that I really have enjoyed doing.  I have loved sharing it with all you lovely folks who have been kind enough to visit - and in some cases, comment on as well.  It's been great (and very encouraging) to hear from you.

The idea is to begin the ColdhamCuddlies Soft Toy Clinic. "Hospitals" conjure up images of large buildings and are usually such large, impersonal things, so I think a "Clinic" offers the possibility of a more personal service.  I know one should not get too involved with one's patients in real life - but where toys are concerned, I think personal involvement is vital.


How would it work you ask?   Well here is my current thinking.  I'd initially charge a "Consultation Fee" of say 25.00 GBP (which at today's conversion rate equates to 40.75 USD).  That would cover my time assessing what was needed, costing the materials required and convoing with the Toy's Best Friend, ending with a provisional quotation of the total cost and, once the OK had been given, ordering the required material.  Think that the quote would be based on the size of each projected toy and would be similar in cost(s) to the finished plush toys in the ColdhamCuddlies shop at  Based on Ed Ted, who is about the same size as the big Bears (who are the biggest plushies), that would be a further 55.00 USD on top of the consultation fee.

Then, after August 31, 2011, when the postal charges will once again be operating (or not, depending on the number of orders I get while the special offer is in place) there will be a postal rate to be added to the total.  Let me explain my postal charges at the moment.

Here in the UK we have two main rates for parcels - the First Class Postal rate which is always higher than the Standard Small Packet rate.  Now, most Cuddlies (with the big Bears being an exception) qualify to travel at the lower rate.  Thus, everyone who orders a Cuddly are likely to get a refund, which kicks in immediately the consignment is shipped.  If there is  more than one item in any one package, and there is a higher charge involved, then no further action will be taken until the Buyer has been consulted - either via e-mail or convo.  The requirement for a figure to be placed on the Etsy order form  for "more than one item" is therefore something of a "guess" because there may be lots of items of differing sizes.   But in order to be able to complete the listing, I had to put in something!  So far, all my orders have attracted a refund - which has been calculated once I have had the parcel weighed and in all cases so far,  posted without referrals to buyers.  And, the refunds have been gratefully received, without exception!   Obviously, if there is an excess charge, the parcel will be kept home until the Buyer has been notified and given me the all clear, and then sent on its way.  Postage details, which can include a tracking number (charges for that extra cost start from around a further 5.00 GBP (or 8.15 USD at today's conversion rate.) form the final convo/email for that transaction from my end:  I then just wait to hear of the safe arrival at its destination (I hope and pray!)

Hope that explains the situation?  Some folks have commented on these rates in the past - but were reassured when  the likely cost was quoted.  I have to keep these figures simple:  as maths and I have never been happy companions!

So, I'll close this post for tonight:  really am interested to hear your reactions, both to the idea of the Clinic and likely charges, which are not written in stone.  I'm open to reasonable suggestions!!  Bye for now.  Isobel

Wednesday 20 July 2011

A Post while waiting to complete Ed Ted

I'm just interrupting Cy Bear's commentary on the treatment of Ed Ted to bring you some news on various developments vis-a-vis the ColdhamCuddlies shop (  These last few days has seen a terrific explosion in Twitter activity on my behalf (if that is the right description of what happens on Twitter) and I am getting lots of new followers, to which I have responded positively.  Wish I could pin-point the cause of this rush of activity - because I could then continue repeating it!

There have also been some of a more "questionable" variety to whom I have responded negatively - by deleting them without any hesitation. Some seem to share several Followers in common, and it was only after I had gaily followed the initial sites that these unacceptable advances were received.  I've also "Unfollowed" those sites, even though they apparently had lots of followers of their own.   It would seem that a user name  with "Cuddlies" in the title can attract responses of the wrong kind - although, to begin with, I did have a wry smile on my face when I first saw them.  At 70+, I really do not think plush soft toys and suggestively posed profile pics and descriptions really gel - although I suppose, when the approach is made by young men, it could be taken as a compliment?  I choose not to!  As it is, Coldham Cuddlies has been a registered UK  business name in connection with making soft toys since 1971, which is long before the Internet, Facebook and/or Twitter were as widespread as they are now.

It's also very gratifying to tell you lovely readers (followers of this blog, especially) that Coldham Cuddlies in general and ColdhamCuddlies Soft Toy Clinic are being featured in at least three different blogs in the near future.  The first one to be published has been set for Monday, July 25 and is the result of an interview by Screaming Sardine.  I'm unsure as to how it happened, but I find that her blog is one that I read - chosen in the first place, if I recall correctly, because the user name caught my attention - but I actually answered a Twitter invitation by Screaming Sardine who was offering to feature anyone who wanted some promotion.

She "followed" me, I responded and "followed" her and fell in love with a picture of her two dogs, Tessa (whom she describes as a "Mutt") and Sage, a Belgian Malinois when I suggested she might like to interview me.   Have to say that  my favoured description of "woofers" of  mixed parentage  is a Heinz Hound which  is so much more respectful,  don't you think?  There is also the option of a "Saturday Night Special", too!  Screaming Sardine reserves her Monday posts for outside interviews, so....look out for her take on me,  the Coldham Cuddlies  and our shop ( - MONDAY, JULY 25, 2011.

Then last week, when surfing the various Etsy team forums, I saw an invitation to be featured from Stitchsilly,  the user name for Andrea on Etsy, who is in the process of re-starting her blog.  I posted my contact details, and today, she sent me her questions.  These have been completed and sent back for her consideration - and we await details of when her blog will contain the interview.

For a few weeks now - at least since we've been featuring Ed Ted's treatment story - I've also been corresponding via Etsy convos with, and reading blogs by Annie of EmptyontheInside a fairly new member of the Etsy family with a new blog to accompany her arrival on the handmade scene.  Our conversations began when I noticed she was a Coyote fan (in real life) as opposed to the Coldham varieties (Lt. Brown Charlie Coyote - Etsy Listing #67039032 and Chuck the Coyote - Etsy Listing #61408931).  As her blog was so new, we agreed it might be fun if she quoted from the various postings about Ed Ted and his treatment over a period of several weeks.  Thought this was a great idea - serialising works well for both of us.  Ed Ted's treatment (and therefore the proposed ColdhamCuddlies Soft Toy Clinic) can only benefit for such long-term exposure and Annie and  EmptyontheInside will have subject matter for several weeks' posts on her blog.

Can also announce that the new sales site at Groove Press is now up and running:  the new URL is www.Coldham and we've linked this up with Facebook and Twitter  as well.  Have not checked to see what if any action has taken place here, but I got confirmation that we are "good to go" from Groove Press this morning.

Finally, think there may be some departures shortly from the shop site - in the form of three of the Baby Bunnies being ordered.  One is definitely the Little White Baby Rabbit:  I'm waiting to hear which of the other varieties are required.  Once the order is confirmed, will provide listing details and the buyer's name.  Until then, we'll keep it under wraps.  All in all though, definitely a few days of PROGRESS!

So, while we wait for the missing washer for Ed Ted's head, he's got all his limbs on his body, he has brown pads on his feet and will have them on his arms once the head is on and he is stuffed.  The position of the pads could be affected once the stuffing is in place, so I've decided to wait before adding those important pieces.  Susan of Bear Basics was unable to provide me with all the washers I needed because they now are not sold separately - but come in sets of three in packets of 10 at a time.  She was prepared to let me have a single one to complete Ed Ted - although, with the proviso that the one she is proposing to send me may not fit!  Different manufacturers (in China, in the main) produce different models.  Fingers crossed, please, that it will.  Otherwise, I'm going to either have to sew his head in place - really the last resort, as he did arrive with a movable head:  or I'll have to see if I can put two smaller ones in the neck seam and hope that they allow the head to swivvle and not compete with each other!  Will keep you informed - tomorrow or the next day!

Until the next post, then......Isobel

Sunday 17 July 2011

Ed Ted's therapy - Construction process Part 3

Hello again - Cy Bear here:  did you think we'd disappeared?  I have been beginning to wonder just when we'd get round to telling you where we are at!

Progress in rejuvenating Ed Ted has been going on apace, but alas, today we've been halted because Isobel finds herself needing a vital joint bit which will join his head to his body.  So, early tomorrow she will be on the telephone to Susan at Bear Basics in Wincanton (down the road from home) in the hope that she can once again come to our rescue.  It's only a small piece missing, but it is vital.  Without it, Ed Ted's head may be wobbly (like mine was) and if Isobel had, had it in stock, maybe I'd have had a head that moved instead of being firmly stitched in one position.

In the interim, it is pleasing to be able to report that Ed Ted now has arms fixed to his body and Isobel is in the process of stuffing his legs before attaching them to his body too.  They proved a bit of a problem in that when making us Coldham Cuddlies bears, Isobel has usually stuffed our legs from the hip downwards.  But, because Ed Ted's original legs were the furriest bit of him - as demonstrated by the pictures we've already posted - the pieces did not lie evenly on his new covering, so instead of having the furry side face down on the new mohair, she had to place the calico side face down on each piece.  It's worked out fine, but it also means she is having to stuff the legs from the foot upwards.  Because we've got the delay in getting Ed Ted's head on, she's not rushing that bit.  It may be stating the obvious, but the body is not stuffed until all the limbs and head are attached.

However, we do have a couple more pictures to show you - and here they are:

Here is Ed Ted's head resting against the pile of all the other bits of him which are waiting to be sewn together. Isobel has not embroidered his nose nor mouth yet - that is best done once the head is attached to the body and it has been stuffed.  Otherwise, the final expression could be affected. The brown bits are suedette which Isobel is going to use for his paw and leg pads.

In the background, you can see the envelope in which the cardboard templates Isobel used to cut out Ed Ted's new fur coat are going to be kept. Despite the delays, Isobel has enjoyed making him, so might well do another using some of the fabric she already has in stock - but it will not be mohair - this is the first time she has used this fabric, and it's been a great experience she tells me.

This picture was taken this morning - and shows all Ed Ted's pieces turned the right side out and ready to be stuffed.  The paw pads still remain to be attached and will be done when the limbs are attached to the body, which can be seen in the background.  The picture is not as clear as it might be, but it's been raining "cats and dogs" all day, and what daylight there has been, has not been that bright.  However, think the picture is clear enough to show how Ed Ted is looking at this moment in time, although not quite clear enough to show the thread-marks indicating where the limbs will be attached once they are stuffed.

The next post about Ed Ted should be the last one (about him!) - and will have to wait until the missing joint piece arrives.  Hopefully, if Royal Mail co-operates and Susan has it in stock, that should be another couple of days' time.  In the meantime, I'll say good-night.  Cy Bear

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Ed Ted's Therapy - Construction process Part 2

Good evening, everyone:  Cy Bear back again - with the latest news on Ed Ted's progress.

Here are some pictures of the tacking process, ready for the proper "building of Ed Ted" to begin:

Isobel used red cotton yarn to tack the pieces together, so it would be easy to remove once the bits were assembled together.

All pieces having been cut out and tacked onto their corresponding original bits of Ed Ted, Isobel decided to begin work on his head.  This she hand-sewed, as it's such a business getting out the machine, and she can make sure that everything gets sewn in better that way.  Some of Ed Ted's original body that we could save  was smaller than it's corresponding side, especially in the case of his head, so it was better for hand-sewing to be carried out.  To make sure that all the bits stayed tight, Isobel hand tacked the loose bits before stuffing began.

Isobel then spent quite a long time before getting on with the next bit - putting in his eyes.  Now, these are Ed Ted's original ones, and we felt it was important to try and get them as near as possible to the same location on the new head, as they were on the original one (which is, of course, under the new fur).  Its terribly easy, I imagine to get the eyes wrong, and then the whole facial features won't look right.  However, after tidying up boxes of toys joints - a job Isobel has been putting off ever since she was given them by an elderly lady next door who used to make Bears until her fingers gave out - she took a deep breath, switched on her digital camera so that she could look at Ed Ted's original photograph (the one with all the bandages on) and made the necessary holes in either side of his face.  (To see what I mean, please refer to  our earlier post at Bulletin on Ed Ted's treatment)

After a bit of a struggle - we're sewing through three layers of material on each piece now - a small hole was made and Isobel managed to "persuade" the wire loops on which the glass eyes are fixed, through.  She then made sure they were firmly fixed on the wrong side of the head.  She threaded strong cotton (strong enough for sewing jeans) through each wire loop, then once they penetrated the material layers, she individually wrapped threads round each loop and tied the two pieces of yarn together, very firmly.  Hopefully, Ed Ted will not undergo quite the same treatment in future as he has undergone heretofore!  Then the head was stuffed and it now resides on the ironing board (which is where most of the recent photography sessions have been based) ready for the ears to be sewn on and the facial features to be embroidered on.  We've used one of the bigger joints for the head, which hopefully will mean that it won't wobble when fixed to the body.

(When Isobel made me, she had not sorted the joints out - so she used some she had in for the smaller toys and bears.  So, my head initially was very wobbly - which is why she sewed it onto my body - rather than having a swivelling one!  Now I'm used to it, I think prefer it!)

However - the facial features are better left until the head is fixed onto the body - and that only happens once all the limbs are sewn up and stuffed.  That's the next stage, and as we are off to the seaside tomorrow for the day, it may be a couple of days before we're in a position to show you how things are progressing.

Meanwhile, listing on the Groove Press site is almost finished and then Isobel will be activating all the Cuddlies family.  It will be interesting to see what, if any, reaction there is to their appearance on the new shop site.

I'll end now ....  hope everyone reading this blog is enjoying the suspense of Ed Ted's emergence as much as I am watching it!  Cy Bear

Monday 11 July 2011

Ed Ted's Therapy: destruction ended: re-construction begins

Greetings once again Friends:  Cy Bear back again, this time with the good news that Ed Ted's destruction has ended, and Isobel is now beginning to get him back together again.

First of all, let's begin from where we left - which was Isobel telling you all about some of her future plans and some trials connected with the Shop (  She's relisted all the entries in the shop, filling in a new bit of the form about which she was not aware.  That's because she's been so involved with Ed Ted and blogging about him too!  She's also started to list on the new website, the address for which she will reveal when she's got all the Rabbits, Foxes, Coyotes and Bears - except me, included.  The process is a little different to the requirements, so it's taking her a bit longer to do than she had bargained for

The business cards may already have resulted in a new restoration project.  This time from what Isobel has been told by the Bears Friend, it's a case of replacing blue eyes in a brown bear and probably the replacement of the stuffing. Isobel is also going to look into replacing his growler - which now no longer works.  That will be a first for Isobel.  Life is exciting, isn't it?  We won't know what we're facing until the end of July, when the new Bear's friend is coming to the Summer Fete which is being organised here at The Hospital of St. John on July 30th.

However, we do know that Burr Bear, as he is called, will  not  be such a total repair job as Ed Ted has proved to be - and in the process Ed Ted has turned out to be bigger bear than we had both thought!  I'm going to have mind my p's and q's!  He may turn out to be bigger than me!

Here are all the appliqued pieces of Ed Ted ready for the next stage - which means that Isobel spent yesterday drawing round each one onto cardboard. She uses breakfast cereal packets for this purpose - saves the whole packet going to landfill:  so preserving her claim that the Coldham Cuddlies are as environmentally friendly as possible.  Once they are cut out, then she draws round each piece on the mohair fabric piece.

Silly Isobel:  guess what she didn't do before she took Ed Ted to pieces?  She didn't measure him, did she?  So, when it came to ordering the fabric, she did not order sufficient.  Fortunately, Susan from Bear Basics in Wincanton, Somerset (who says she stocks "the largest selection of Stieff Schulte mohair in the UK - and she's only 30 miles down the road from here!) still had enough to meet Isobel's needs.  The mohair that has been supplied is described as "17mm Dense Distressed Spring Gold" and I must say matches Ed Ted very well.  When he's finished, he really will be quite something!  I shall be more than happy to be photographed alongside him.

Once all the pieces had been drawn onto the fabric, Isobel cut them out and then spent most of yesterday evening tacking each piece of Ed Ted's original body and head onto the matching pattern piece using the new fabric.  Here are pictures showing where Ed Ted's reconstruction process has currently reached and been photographed.

Crown and Leg pieces ready to be drawn on new fabric
And here is another picture of Ed Ted's head ready to be drawn onto the mohair fabric.  After that, I'll end, so that Isobel can do some more listing on the new shop site, and also to do some more sewing on Ed Ted.  We've probably got another two or three posts to do before we will be able to present a new, handsome Ed Ted to the world!  Can't wait;  hope you're all interested too!

And finally, here are all the pieces together - with the mohair material waiting to be drawn on.  Cheers for today.  Cy Bear

Saturday 9 July 2011

Another Ed Ted update

Just a quick update - before Cy Bear and I begin blogging about Ed Ted's continuing treatment.

Glad to say that the material matching problem is solved.  My nearby source, just 30 miles down the road from here, has come up trumps - BIG TIME.  Ed's ear, which was sent to provide a sample, has been matched SPOT ON and the material has arrived courtesty of Royal Mail.  I'm now in the process of sketching the patterns on to cardboard to make a template for the new cover and will then be cutting the pattern out and the stitching can begin to complete the Ed Ted project.

Before ending for the night though, here is a picture of the leg featured in the last post - on the new material.  Think you'll all agree that it is a pretty fantastic match.

A final update.  Have begun the process of listing on Groove Press and will be doing it in stages.  Etsy will still remain the main site for - but am spreading the Cuddlies wings!

Bye for the moment.  Isobel

Monday 4 July 2011

Announcement - regarding ColdhamCuddlies' shop and Ed Ted latest


With effect from today (Fourth July), even though I am not an American - by being an Etsian, I believe I have become an adopted one! - I am offering FREE SHIPPING for everyone, anywhere for anything in the shop currently, plus anything that  may be listed between July 4, 2011 and August 31, 2011.  The shipping costs have also been re-calculated so visitors to can see how much they are saving if they take advantage of this offer!

Having spent a great deal of time in the past few days concentrating on Ed Ted and his treatment, I decided to visit my shop ( on Sunday and was somewhat disconcerted to discover that the listing form had changed quite radically since I had last had a proper look.  I noticed I had to fill in a lot more information ABOUT the items when Miss Prim Fox (Etsy Listing #75340524) and Sir Francis Fox (Etsy Listing #75921238) joined the family, but had not realised that the new format applied to everything else that was already in the shop!  Took quite a while to achieve, but managed to do it before retiring to bed last evening.

As a result of the blogging in recent weeks, we are beginning to attract more followers on Twitter, one of which is Groove  They have offered to include our shop ( for a six month trial at very favourable terms, so I will also be listing all the ColdhamCuddlies on that site when I have received an answer to a registering question I have posed.   Being the Fourth of July, assume that the folks at Groove Press are enjoying a well-deserved break.  I hope to be beginning the selling process on that site very soon.  Naturally this is going to mean yet another site address - which I will publish just as soon as the new shop is operational.

The business cards I spoke about last week arrived on Saturday, and I'm very pleased with how they look.  Proves that it is better to proof read and design in daylight, rather than just before retiring to one's bed!  Shall be using every opportunity to distribute them from now on (including as a Compliment Slip when using the "snailmail" route for communicating).  As a silver surfer, am still more comfortable using this traditional means of communicating, but realise that social media etc. et al is the way to go.  Can sometimes be uncomfortable being dragged into the 21st Century.

As for Ed Ted:  some of his pieces have been appliqued:  (see above for the reason why that stage of the rejuvenation process has not been completed) and I hope to do some more after posting this blog.  Then we await swatches from my potential new mohair fabric source for a choice to be made for Ed's final covering.  Since he was washed, I would really like to match it as closely as possible.  His legs really are a very lush golden yellow and he would look splendid if he could end up with that as his final appearance.

Included here is a very rough picture of Ed Ted's legs - it will not be the final shot, because they have only been tacked to the calico sheeting, but it gives one an idea of the difference in colour shades - when compared with one of the original shots of the old fellow.

Ed Ted's original rear view
So, I'll now end this post - and do some sewing!  Bye for this post.  Isobel