Wednesday 6 February 2013

Transforming TW Bear - Part One

Our last post (February 4, 2013) included mention that TW Bear was re-united with his Forever Friend after a somewhat prolonged stay awaiting treatment in the Stuffed Animal Restoration Clinic (Etsy Listing 79124185).  The delay was caused, not by any difficulty involved with his therapy, but merely the fact that we had some difficulty in establishing a fabric source initially, and then we had three other Bear Patients (see the posts regarding the Treatment of the Wagstaff Bears) who all needed to be back with their Forever Friends in time for Christmas.  In addition, there were no time constraints or demands in the case of TW's transformation, nor that of his good friend Edward Bear, who had arrived in the Clinic a few days earlier than TW himself.

Thus, once Edward's New Nose Job was successfully accomplished (see post on 31/01/2013), TW's transformation started.  With the result looking like this

the first stage of treatment, as ever, began with an attack with the "Quik Unpic" - in close proximity to a large garbage bin.  The combination of wood chippings and kapok stuffing that many Bears of TW's vintage (some where between 80-100 years old.) results in a lot of waste needing to be carefully collected.  TW's Forever Friend, Mrs. AW admits to being over 80, but she's not sure if he was a hand-me-down, or arrived new, but he's been with her since she can first remember.   Even so, there always seems to be stuff to be vacuumed up as well, no matter how careful one is in the deconstruction process.

The deconstruction, and much of my restoration work, is undertaken on my trusty ironing board - hence the need for some covering to collect the detritus created as one works through.  The ironing board is also the surface on which many of the photographs get taken!

The stuffing on the right was extracted from the top half of  TW's body and his head (Far R.).  The latter being totally wood chippings, and the body mostly Kapok, with a bit of wood chipping around the neck area - presumably to provide a bit of stiffening.  (The more I get involved with toy restoration, the less I understand the mindset of those involved in yesteryear!  Also, the more I dislike the thought of wood chipping - so dangerously inflammable!)

TW's total internal contents!
Once all the stuffing and joints had been removed, there was still some stubborn Kapok needing removal before TW could be immersed in a bath to remove the accumulation of dust from several decades.

Given the length of time that the dust/dirt had collected,  the left-overs in the bath shown in the lowest picture really shows how well TW had been cared for over the years.  Apparently, as he got progressively hairless, MrsAW's Nanny had become correspondingly embarassed by his appearance.  So she provided him with a knitted vest and knickers to keep him covered.  These, alas, now no longer fit - but MrsAW requested they be returned with TW, for totally sentimental reasons.

Once the total immersion had been completed - TW stayed underwater all night just to make sure he was completely clean - the usual drying procedure was commenced.  So, I'll close this post with TW's vital pieces being hung out to dry (with  great care you understand:  not in the normal sense of these words!)

The piece in the middle of the front row is the gusset - the central piece of the head.  It, and the two pieces on either side, (TW's face) were the most damaged and frayed.  My questionable artistic talents were thus needed when it came to the next stage of the transformation!

Until the next time.....Isobel

Monday 4 February 2013

The Clinic is empty - for now: so here is a catch up

This morning, TW Bear was reunited with his Forever Friend, Mrs. AW - leaving the Stuffed Animal Restoration Clinic (Etsy Listing #791241850) without a patient (for the first time since October 2012).  There may well be another patient coming in shortly - his Forever Friend (a fellow Zumbette - that's what our Zumba Leader calls us!) may well be introducing us at this week's Zumba session tomorrow.

Edward Bear joining in the traditional Farewell picture

This means I've got a breathing space in which to create some replacement Foxes (Ladies and Gentlemen), Coyotes (so far only Gentlemen have featured) and Gentlemen Rabbits, a Frog or two and maybe some new Cuddlies which are lining up in the background.

The new TW Bear
TW Bear when he arrived in November 2012

However, before I set to with scissors, needle and thread, perhaps this is a good time for a post catching up with overall developments in the ColdhamCuddlies world of Shop and Blog.  Our Followers (293 of them when I checked earlier today - let's see if we can get it to 300 before our second anniversary arrives early in March!) - may recall that in our final post for 2012 (December 31, 2012) I mentioned the offer of help to heighten our profile on Etsy from Joel Barnett ( of Boise, Idaho.  True to his word, early in January we got together and the first task he set me was to increase by Etsy Circles. He also suggested I took a good look at some of my photographs in the Shop.   As usual, I didn't have a clue where to begin with the Circles, but with some guidance I set off - and have definitely become addicted to this form of marketing!  It is terribly time-consuming however - but it's keeping me well occupied.

On the photography side:  well I found a Photography book - The Crafter's Guide to taking Great Photos on line and sent away for it via Amazon.  It arrived when I was well involved in the Circling adventure, and it has so far just sat on my desk waiting closer inspection.  I will do something about the pictures:  but at the moment, am having too much fun elsewhere!  As the days go by, I realise just how important good, crisp, clear pictures are for selling on line and INTEND to do it properly - soon!

My modus operandi is to choose Shops that are already in a goodly number of Circles - after all, it is all about spreading the world, is it not?  There are so many Shops involved, that I've set myself the task of adding those with 200 or more Circles to begin with.  At the beginning of this particular exercise, I was in something like 136 Circles;  as of today, the number is 472, so there is a result!  I think it is working - because I am being added to many more circles than of yore, without me adding them first.  I'm finding that  Circles with less than 200 members are now adding me to their Circles, (as well as those I've approached first) and I reciprocate to them ALL (and tell them so).  I've responded to EVERYONE who has been kind enough to add me to their own Circles, and invited them to visit this blog.  Many have - which has resulted in another 20 or so Followers here since the beginning of this year!

 Last week also,saw Cuddlies included in 3 different Treasuries curated by folks other than fellow Etsy Team members, which is where the Cuddlies have been treasured  before.  Now I have to admit that Treasuries have defeated me to date, but doing the Circling has opened my eyes up to how one can add fellow Treasures to one's Circles, so am seriously telling myself to sit down and have a go.  Just need another 24 hours to each day, maybe, but I'll really have a go - SOON!

The best thing as far as I am concerned is that I've discovered some truly amazing crafts being offered all over the world, met some fascinating people and been given some truly useful links which may lead to an expansion of the ColdhamCuddlies activities.  One of my new Circle friends suggested I should visit two book publishing sites which are involved with childrens' publishing.  Now this is something I've been minded to explore - but only once I've got more blogging material on record.  Have considered 250 posts as a good starting point:  we're currently at 184 with this post.  One of these publishing links is actually The Society for Childrens' Book Writing and Illustration - headquartered in the USA, but with a regional branch in the UK.  Really sounds promising, and I've filed it (and the other one away for future research and development).

Edward Bear  and Cy Bear - before Edward goes home
Carrying on the theme of new friends and potential publishing developments, at the week-end, one of my new Circle acquaintances mentioned that she found the contents of our blog ( "engaging" and that it had made her smile.  She also added some other nice compliments - to the point that I wrote back and requested permission to quote her as and when I do decide to go ahead with the publishing venture.  McKenzie and Ricky Cook Petersen operate from and are located  somewhere in Missouri!  Ricky is the person who has been so encouraging and helpful:  what's more, she doesn't blog - so can truly be described as an "independent supporter" when I quote her kind words.  Family and friends' views are important, but on such occasions can be regarded as being biased, possibly!

So, the last month has been engaged in proving what a friendly and helpful bunch folks can be on Etsy - and I've tried to behave in similar fashion when Newbies have added me to their Circles.  I know how difficult I found it to begin with, and just hope they will be as lucky as I have been in finding their feet and guidance from similar, such widespread, Etsy sources.

I'll be back, with Cy Bear in tow, shortly with a description of TW Bear's treatment - probably in at least two installments - but in the interim would encourage everyone who has read this to visit the two Etsy sites  mentioned here.  They have some unusual articles on offer and a visit will not be an unproductive venture!

Final Picture of the Threesome before Edward goes home tomorrow
 Bye for now.  Isobel

Thursday 31 January 2013

Oops: Edward Bear needs a Nose Job!

Cy Bear posting this, because Isobel is too embarassed to do it herself!  But these things happen when you're close to anyone of us toys.  Ears and Noses seem to give Isobel the most trouble when she is making us, and it's normally the Ears.  The atmosphere in the work-room can get somewhat tense at times, let me  tell you.   Last week-end, though, we got a message from RevJ, Edward Bear's Forever Friend, that she was unhappy with Edward's nose.  She didn't like the way he looked at her - and would like to bring him back to the Clinic for a further consultation.

On Tuesday morning therefore - at their regular Zumba Class get-together (whatever that is - being a Beaver Lamb Bear doesn't qualify me to understand these things) - Isobel was re-united with Edward and was horrified by what she saw.  RevJ said she felt that Edward was "sneering" at her:  Isobel suggested he looked as though he had a bad smell under this nose.  Whatever;  the decision was instantly made that Edward would accompany Isobel back home here to Heytesbury and undergo fresh remedial treatment to rectify the mistake.

Looking at one picture of Edward that we took during his therapy, but didn't use in our post about his treatment, the camera angle does not really show off this "bad look".  Although now I look at it again, he does look as though he's a bit snooty, doesn't he? 

Anyway, on Wednesday morning, Isobel took scissors to the double knitting yarn she uses to embroider our noses and removed the offending item entirely.  She then re-did the nose and took new photographs of Edward's Nose Job - and sent them to RevJ for her comments and approval. 

I'm pleased to sell you that we received message back this morning that she approves of Edward's new look and that they will be re-united with each other next Tuesday - at their next Zumba session.  What would they do without Zumba, I wonder? 

As the new look has been given the seal of approval, here is what Edward now looks like.  You'll notice that he's got some clothes on - which incidentally he was wearing when he originally appeared in the Stuffed Animal Restoration Clinic (Etsy Listing 79124185).  Alas, the entire make-over has resulted in them not really fitting Edward any longer.  RevJ has said that his hips in particular have become more curvaceous - and that a new outfit will be created in due course.  Meanwhile, I must say,  rather like the open-neck casual look!  We've not got any pictures of Edward below his waist!

(Isobel:  Whilst this shows that one is never foolproof, think one can get too close to a toy when working on them.  Whilst originally satisfied, a week's absence definitely caused me to see Edward in another light!  Had I realised the eventual look prior to delivery, Edward would not have been allowed out the front door.  Be sure, Quality Control has been, and will be, tightened up in future!)

Cy Bear now closing down for the evening.  Isobel is about to complete the latest Wombat for inclusion in our shop at (The last one was sold just before Christmas, so this is a replacement).  TW Bear's treatment is going well:  he's about to be sewn together and stuffed, ready for return to his Forever Friend, hopefully by the week-end.  Goodnight to everyone and good bye for now.

Thursday 24 January 2013

The Latest Farewells - More Cuddlies going to their Forever Homes

One of our recently listed Golden Plush Teddy Bears left for his new home in Southbridge, Ma, USA  on Tuesday, January 22, so we thought you'd like to see what a Cuddly looks like as he/or she is prepared for their international journey(s).

Everyone gets wrapped in at least two sheets of chemical free white tissue paper, and then they are all encased in a layer of bubble wrap.  That way, given the rough treatment all parcels get when they are committed to their post-bags in the UK Post Offices, there is a better chance that they will arrive at their eventual destination a little less battered than otherwise might be the case.

Before Golden Bear was put into the polythene travelling envelope, Cy Bear made sure he was comfortable.

Before the envelope is finally sealed, we always enclose a letter to the new Forever Friend and then the envelope is sealed, a FRAGILE label is attached to both front and back of each parcel - they may be soft, stuffed toys, but they deserve a bit of TLC do they not?  Then an Air Mail label is fixed on and finally - where required - a Customs Form is filled in and signed.  Then the package is ready.

On Tuesday, on the way to her weekly Zumba class, Isobel went to the Post Office in a nearby Village which has the capacity to handle international parcels of all sizes.  Heytesbury does have it's own Post Office, but it can only handle Small Packets up to a specific size - and usually the ColdhamCuddlies  Teddy Bears (the biggest toys we sell in our shop at end up a whole lot bigger than a Small Packet - although some of them may still travel at the higher Standard Small Packet charge!  Confusing or what?  This is why, when all the Cuddlies are listed in the Shop, Isobel now explains at the end of each description that as she no longer drives a car, access to the right Post Office is limited to Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays of any week.  (On the latter two days, she goes into Warminster to do her weekly shopping, and that town also has a suitably qualified Post Office).

Edward Bear, the subject of our last two posts,  also went back to his Forever Friend on the same day Golden Teddy Bear left for the USA.  RevJS also attends the weekly Zumba classes when her parochial duties permit, and last Tuesday was one such occasion.  Thus he was handed over after the session, Isobel was paid (RevJS said she would come armed with her cheque book!) and another Patient's treatment was bought to a successful conclusion.

Here is a final photograph of Edward - together with Cy Bear, as the latter performs the now familiar ritual of saying goodbye to the Cuddlies (and Associate Cuddlies) as they go to their Forever Homes.

Today, Thursday, January 24 another ColdhamCuddly left Heytesbury on his way to a new Forever Home.  This was one of our White Plush Baby Bunnies ( Etsy Listing #70181260) and he is on his way to Austin, Texas.  Ordered by KatieM, he is destined as an Easter Bunny present for her little niece.  He is Bunny No.1 in this picture.   All my baby bunnies tend to be "He's", and this one was no exception.  However, prior to his departure, KatieM  did request that a Pink Ribbon be added - so doubtless he will be come she eventually!  A photo of Bunny and Forever Friend will, hopefully, be forthcoming once the presentation takes place.

When there are more than one examples of a Cuddly in our shop at, this is the procedure.  All available models are lined up, numbered (so far there has only been a need for 4, but the labels are easily prepared should the need arise!) and photographed at all angles so the Buyer can make a choice.  How on earth did one manage before the appearance of the internet?  As I had to go to Warminster this morning, White Plush Baby Bunny came too, and was posted as an Air Mail Small Packet to the U.S.A.

Now, the next project is the Treatment of Ted Wilson - who arrived in the Stuffed Animal Restoration Clinic a few weeks after Edward.   He is in a lot more need of therapy than was Edward.  The picture below shows him with Edward when they were both waiting for their mohair fabric to arrive from the supplier.  Apparently, his garment was knitted for TW (as he has been named for the purposes  of his treatment in the Stuffed Animal Restoration Clinic) by his Forever Friend's Nanny, who was ashamed of his naked appearance!  A request has been received for said garment to accompany him back home once his rehabilitation is complete. 

Until the next time, both Cy Bear and Isobel signing off!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

How Edward Bear became a New Bear - Part 2

Here is a close-up of Edward Bear as he now looks- and this is the tale of how he finally reached this conclusion.

This is Cy Bear taking over from Isobel to finish off the latest Patient's saga in our Stuffed Animal Restoration Clinic (Etsy Listing #79124185).   Part One of Edward Bear's renaissance story ended with his newly washed and rinsed pieces hanging out to dry on the clothes airer in our workroom.

Once the pieces were all dry, Isobel drew the shape of the original pieces of Edward's body, legs, arms and head and cut out two new ear patterns.  She then trimmed the edges of the original Edward, which had become badly frayed, and tacked each piece to its matching new version.  In the photograph above, you can see a leg, with the two pieces matched and already sewn together, with the two front body shapes ready to be sewn together.  The bits of wool indicate where the plastic safety discs are to be fitted when the limbs are added to the body - in this case, it's the arms.

Here you can see Edward's new head, sewn up and turned inside out.  His ears are already sewn, as are his two arms - with some smart new beige leather pads replacing the somewhat tatty originals.  The second leg is at the back on the right hand side, and the two pieces making up the Edward's back has been sewn together, ready for attaching to the front.  These seams become the side seams eventually, with the top coming to a narrow point - with just enough room for the head disc to be fitted on when the time comes.

Finally, with all the pieces sewn together, the time came for Edward to be turned inside out ready for the stuffing to be applied.   Isobel is finding it is easier to fit head to bodies first when making us Bears, so this is what happened next.  Edward was first given two brand new brown eyes and the stuffing was then put into the head cavity.  You can see the white plastic neck disc waiting to be fixed once the neck opening had been gathered together, and the head was then attached.

The nascent new Edward is a little taller than our Glove Hand Puppets, but for the purposes of this photograph, Isobel used one of the knitting yarn cones we use to make the Puppets stand up when we are exhibiting them at Craft Shows in the area.


Once the head was fixed firmly in place - quite a tricky operation as Isobel has to work in a fairly restricted area,  with one hand in his abdominal area and pushing the head disc though a small hole with the other hand. Then she has to ensure fixing the washer firmly on so that it never comes off.

( Isobel interrupting:  one of our neighbours here was a prolific Teddy Bear maker - she has over 100 samples she shares her flat with still - and when she had to give up sewing because her fingers simply would not work any longer, she gave me a lot of her bear sewing paraphenalia, plus offering a lot of great tips.  One of these helpful hints was to use an old-fashioned wooden cotton reel (the hole in the middle just fits over the disc posts) and leaning on the reel (with a hard surface beneath the seam and disc) and just wait for the satisfactory click that comes when the whole thing is firmly in place!  Works like a dream!!)

The picture above shows Edward almost complete - all the limbs and head are in place and he just needs to have the final seam between his legs sewn together. Isobel found it easier with Edward to fix his legs to the body without the stuffing in them.  She then stuffed each leg and sewed the beige leather paw pads in place.  At least he now has two legs that look the same size!

Then, Edward's ears were sewn in place and finally, Isobel got going with a needle and black double knitting yarn to sew on his nose and mouth.  Here's what the finished article looks like!

Sunday 20 January 2013

How Edward Bear became a New Bear - Part I

Cy Bear, in his post here last week (Newly Listed Bears looking for their Forever Homes -January 16, 2013) mentioned, Edward Bear.  He has been a Patient (in all senses of the word) in the Stuffed Animal Restoration Clinic (Etsy Listing #79124185) for some weeks now,  with his treatment beginning with the indignity of having to be taken to pieces and de-stuffed.

However, Edward had suffered some even greater  indignities before this all began.  We lost one of his original ears!  In order to obtain the nearest match to his existing mohair coat (in pretty good condition for a Bear nearing his century in years), we had to send an ear (the smallest piece) to the supplier.  Alas, the first one got lost in the early Christmas post mayhem  - and has not be heard of since.  (The Complaints Procedure insisted upon by UK Royal Mail yielded no answers) so the second ear had to be dispatched (this time by Registered Post) which left poor Edward looking like this.

(When informed of this mishap, RevJS enquired as to whether a ransom demand had yet been received). It will also explain the delay between Edward's arrival in the Clinic and his therapy being started!  The Wagstaff Bears' treatment, with their need for a Christmas deadline, plus Christmas itself were additional contributing factors.

Losing his ears was actually not too much of a problem, as I don't use them when restoring a bear like Edward.  But, it was definitely inconvenient! The second one did not leave us, though, until I had created a template for use in his future renovation.   However, the really good thing you can see from this photograph is that Edward's fur has not been badly lost to the constant cuddles of past generations, so the pieces were definitely worth preserving when the restoration process was begun.

 Alas the same could not be said for his facial features - there was even a patch on the left side of his muzzle.  They had got badly rubbed and he had no eyes. What you see in the picture are actually two very large hat pins (the property of the Grandmother of Edward's Forever Friend).  These had been pushed in, and had somehow remained static through the years.  They came out very readily when the stuffing was removed and I shudder to think what could have happened had he been played with by any Little People.  However, as it happened, Edward had been residing in the Grandmother's home for many decades until his Forever Friend, Rev.JaneS returned home after retiring as a missionary in Pakistan  two years' ago, and the two were reunited once more.  RevJS, as I shall refer to her henceforth, and I met at the first MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning the Cuddlies appeared at in 2011, but it was not until October last year that Edward and I were introduced and the decision taken to restore and renovate him.

The picture also show that somehow his feet got a lot of undue unwanted attentionOne leg as a result was shorter than the other and I suspected - from the feel of his body - that he was stuffed with wood-chippings (which are a particular bug-bear of mine - forgive the partial pun!)  They do not provide a cuddly toy, and are thoroughly inflammable into the bargain.    I also suspected that there could be the left-overs of a broken growler lodged within his body, not to mention some good old-fashioned cotter-pins holding the limbs in place.  The suspicions proved to be accurate -

The hat pins are in the fore-ground!
The wood chipping stuffing came from his head and one arm, and the broken growler is at the back of the picture on the left.  All these have been disposed of - with the exception of the hat-pins.  They will be offered back to RevJS - in case there may be a future requirement for such equipment on her part.

All the pieces of  Edward Bear were collected together and one can now see the signs of his age.  The seams are definitely fraying, there are holes were the cotter pins were located and I've labelled the front body "A" and the back "B", so that when it comes to sewing him back together again, there is no confusion.  His legs are in the left foreground, the head pieces are in the middle at the back and his arms lie behind his legs.

They were all then taken to the bath and left for about a couple of hours, so that the dust of decades could be removed.  He was soaked in  luke-warm, soapy water (not detergent).

These three photos show how the dust began to come away, with the last one showing the mixture of dye and dust that was left behind when I had gently rubbed each piece, before it was immersed in two lots of  clear water to remove any remaining detritus.

Once rinsed, each piece was stretched back into shape and then pinned onto a clothes airer and left overnight to dry.  They were then pressed flat with an iron, prior to my drawing around each piece on the new mohair which would result in the modern, renovated Edward Bear.

That process will form the next post, so I will bid you all a very good night.  Isobel