Hello there Everyone -
Cy Bear beginning this edition:
Last week I believe Isobel did mention at the end of last week's bulletin, that she was experimenting like mad in making an ornamental rabbit clip-on for a lady's shoe. She's been working on it all week, and finally got it done - and photographed fully - this afternoon. So, I'll leave her to take over:

Thank you Cy Bear - and greetings to you all!
Here are the two rabbit heads awaiting their stuffing, having just had their eyes placed in situ - accompanied by the ears for each Head. The pattern I used was that for all the Baby Rabbits (the Fleece variety can be viewed here - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/COLDHAMCUDDLIES?ref=hdr_shop_menu§ion_id=18772508) . By sewing quarter-inch seams all around as opposed to the normal two-tenths I usually do, the heads are actually slightly smaller. I cut off the pattern template at the under arm seams of the rabbit pattern - as well as leaving out the chest insert. I felt there could be too much fabric to make a steady platform for the finished article.
We've moved on here to one of the Rabbits having had his head stuffed with our usual polyester fibre - meeting all international safety standards - and then had the ears added, as well as the facial features (embroidered with black double knit yarn).
After a bit of research, I was advised that the hair clips originally purchased were not really what was needed. They were too metallic and unforgiving for fitting on to a shoe - and I dread to think what the effect might have been had they come into direct contact with hosiery! So, while wandering around our local department store, and chatting with an assistant in the craft area, I decided to go with these hair slides (barettes): (Not unnaturally, they were to be found in a completely different section of the Shop - which is I why I'd not come across them before!!).

They were not expensive, and I decided to go with the ones on the far left. They actually bend to open, and straighten out when fitted and are basically plastic on top with a very light metal clip on the bottom. There doesn't seem to be that much of a problem if the clips do come into contact with bare skin - or stockings for that matter. If the customer does purchase these, I shall be enclosing the whole card with the Rabbit Head clip-ons - so the eventual user can ring the changes with whatever shoe colour she chooses. (I do know it is intended for an adult female - as opposed to a girl child!!).
Using one of my own slip-on shoes to demonstrate if they would attach satisfactorily, I took this snapshot to send to my potential Buyer - who still is "potential", as opposed to being a definite customer! ( At the time this was taken, I was still working out how on earth I was going to fit the clip on under the head base!.)
Having slept on it, and fiddled about a bit, I eventually worked out the solution and we now have two heads, attached to a pair of my black court shoes (I don't have a brown pair at the moment) and have today sent the latest version to the client, with a request for a definite answer - Yay or Nay!! Basically, I created a pocket (using seam binding) and sewed it on the underside of the neck area. The plastic upper side of the Clip slides in and then the Head is attached to the shoe and the whole clip bent into the closed position. (It's not possible to permanently attach the head to the clip - doing so would prevent the clip performing it's clip-on activity. NB: There are no guarantees as to how long the ornament will last!)

(I'm beginning to think that this may end up as one of those wild goose chases that have occasionally happened to me in my Etsy journey since starting up in 2010 - but this time, unlike Colin the Giant Koala - http://coldhamcuddliescalling.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/third-time-lucky-for-colin-koala.html - at least the finished article is not as large or potentially costly to my "bottom line"!. Good customer relations etiquette demands I follow through to the bitter end, however - and one never knows, someone reading this post this afternoon might be interested - if the original Enquirer fails to materialise!)
Rabbit Head clip-ons - sans clips! |
There seems to be a problem with my attempt to get in touch with MsMH as well. She has actually ordered (and paid for) one of the Baby Monkeys - (last week, as you may recall, I was trying to find out if she really did want hers to be as depicted in our listing for the Monkey Nursery Mobiles - or in blue plush, as stipulated in the order itself)
However, while
I was browsing through the haberdashery department of our local store - looking for the clips - I did find some rather pretty pale blue plush fabric (
which had nearly run out!).
I decided to purchase half a metre (
leaving plenty of fabric for lots of baby monkeys, and other Pram or Cot Toy animals in future) and actually have cut out and sewn two models of a Pale Blue Plush Monkey version - which look like this at the moment.
(My apologies: the quality of these last photos are not up to normal, because I've just snapped them to illustrate this post).
A third
Blue Monkey needs to be given the same treatment, and then all will be stuffed and listed in time for next week's bulletin. The dispatch date for the order is actually
26th July, so
I'm still well within the time-frame. The
Blue Monkey will be en route to
Devon, UK by
Tuesday of next week at the latest - having hopefully heard from
MsMH! It will be sent regardless, however, because that is what
I have contracted to do!!
STOP PRESS: This bulletin was actually drafted yesterday evening. When
I signed in this afternoon (Sunday), I received a message from
MsMH, apologising for not "being on top of things"! So,
I've just sent her the snaps above, and asked her if she likes what she sees - saying her
Baby Monkey will be dispatched on
Tuesday, 19th July. Apparently, her friend's baby is due any day, and she is anxious to have something ready to present upon his arrival!! So, after all this, it's now a question of who will arrive first- my
Blue Baby Monkey (
if the customer likes what she sees here) or her friend's Baby Son!! Watch this space!!
Ah well -the ups and downs of Toy Making - and I suspect much like the experience all us Etsy.com Crafters endure from time to time!! However, lack of communication on the part of customers is definitely one of the frustrations with this pastime. On this occasion, though, its especially so, as both customers live somewhere in the UK and therefore might be contactable via telephone!
On the upside, though, if the Rabbits don't get accepted, by the end of next week, COLDHAM CUDDLIES will number 100 in total - the magic number towards which I have been working since 2012, when the Shop and this blog became a full time occupation for yours truly - after Peter died in the May of that year. It will be great to have finally made it!!
So far, no joy on the Rabbit Head clip-on front though!!!
See you all next week, folks. Your friend, Isobel - oh, and Cy Bear too!