This is Cy Bear calling in once again to say Hi!
This week, we find ourselves having to get used to a new format for creating our blog posts - because (where we post from) have this week introduced a new one.! It is designed to make it easier for people to read our stories via their telephones, rather than just their lap tops or other technological inventions. (I know Isobel finds it difficult to keep up with technology: can you imagine just how much more difficult it is for a Beaver Lamb Bear?) So, as we go along, if margins are slightly different, please forgive us - Isobel has got to type this for me, while working out how to fit things onto the screen. Life isn't easy sometimes.......!

A new photo of myself - together with the newest member of the Coldham Cuddlies family.
Last week I suggested that we might tell you about some new toy projects that Isobel is planning/being asked to consider making. She's been hard at it this week (when not involved in sorting out a major mistake in one of the new projects). That's had a happy ending (or will have tomorrow, when the toy in question heads off for his Forever Home, so I'll keep you hanging on to hear about that incident! I'm hoping that the Buyer will kindly send us a photograph when the Toy gets to her home, which we can then use in the post about Isobel's recent major, but "honest" mistake!
However, after a longer time than we would have wished, we can now introduce you to the first of our new Toy Friends in the Coldham Cuddlies Shop ( - our New Lion Cub.
He doesn't have a name - Isobel, in a recent change of policy, has decided not to give any of the Cuddlies a name from now on (for a little while, at any rate). In the listing for Lion Cub, he's described as "playful", and I do think that is a good way to describe him - don't you?

Here is Lion Cub, sitting on top of Isobel's Printer.
He's made with the wrong fabric that Isobel first ordered when the Tiger Puppet Premier Plush fabric (called Khaki) ran out. This Lion material is labelled as "Mustard", and we've got 2 metres (roughly 6.56 feet)) with which to make several more. As a matter of fact, while she's been selecting other new Toy patterns to attempt, she came across one for a "Daddy" Lion, complete with mane, and thinks she could also make a "Mummy" one too! This means there's plenty of uses to which the "mistaken" Mustard Premier Plush can be put! Presently, Lions seem to be the most suitable use to which this particular material can be put. (It's important that we do find such projects, because we still have a pretty full cupboard(s) of fabric with which to make our existing toys, as and when they find new homes - so space is limited!!)

A proper side view of our Playful Lion Cub
This pattern was stumbled upon when Isobel was picking through her Pattern Library, and was actually one that originated from daughter Clare's sister-in-law's collection - when she used to make toys several years ago. Isobel was given several likely toy patterns when a family cupboard clearance was under way, and this is the first time that she'd looked through the collection "with intent" since they arrived. (There's one for a dressed Hedgehog as well, which we've been told is "delightful" when made up - so we may be adding that to the "To Do List" as well. Isobel's Son-in-Law is quite keen on this addition being on that List too!)

Lion Cub Rear view - showing his tail off well and the fluffy, soft look of Premier Plush fabric
We've already got an Elephant pattern cut out and ready for placing on a Grey version of the Premier Plush, plus we've got to repeat the "major mistake" I mentioned earlier in this post,but this time without the error! We've been waiting for this Grey Premier Plush fabric to materialise since February/March. Somehow, our suppliers were caught out by the Covid19 pandemic that has hit the world (and is still raging by all accounts) and the shipment containing this particular Grey version was held up. It eventually arrived in the UK in the middle of June. Our suppliers - Fabricland (of Bournemouth, England, UK) were as good as their word, and sent our order on to us almost as soon as it arrived in their warehouse. You can't ask more than that, can you?
Currently, Isobel is nearly half-way through making "fully-grown" Otters complete with their Goldfish. She cut out two, because they seem fairly quick to do, especially as she's made three or four Otter Golf Club Covers using part of the pattern before.

The Golf Club covers only consist of the Otter "bust" from the arms upwards. This time Isobel is actually using the entire original pattern she got (from Jenny Mai from which is an original downloadable pattern created by Jenny Mai from Her pattern for "Squeakers" the Otter is just what Isobel was looking for when making her first Golf Club Cover with an Otter Head. Jenny Mai was only too happy to allow us to make some adjustments to her original pattern. These included substituting a handmade small fish for the hands to hold, rather than the ornament originally created for the pattern. Anyone interested in other similar free patterns from Jenny Mai should click here: There's a whole "pattern Zoo" from which to choose.
So, this is all for this week - while Isobel sews busily away in the evenings, she's busy during the day with those plans for trying to introduce the Coldham Cuddlies brand to new markets. (I told you about those in the first post of this series about 5 weeks ago) She's been watching "Webinars" and learning lots of new things she needs to know about: and is waiting to have a One-to-One on line meeting with someone from the East Midlands Office of the UK Department for International Trade to discuss the best way to achieve this objective.
Meanwhile, she's also been working with the technology whizzes from, together with our Account Manager, Daniel Forbes on the website - Since that was first published, we've been able to add the Shop site to the original Animal Hospital (for which the site was originally conceived) and this blog now appears on the website, just as soon as Isobel publishes it - when it has been edited and passed as correct and ready for publishing.
It's all systems go - as you see, and it seems to be betting busier by the week! See you all again, next week
Your friend,
Cy Bear.