Hello Everyone - and a belated Happy Easter, just a week late.
Cy Bear delighted to be back again and allowed to share some things that have been happening in the COLDHAMCUDDLIES' world since we last met.
First of all, news about Oscar 2: thanks to the tracker number allocated to him when he was posted from our local Post Office, we've tracked him as his journey to Tulsa has continued. The Easter holiday having intervened, it would appear that he got held up once he got over the Atlantic Ocean, and has only just begun his trip across the U.S.A. Last night, MrSS told us that he'd surfaced in "Queen's, New York" on Saturday, and when Isobel opened up the computer this afternoon, we learn that he's now "in transit to destination" (hopefully direct to Tulsa - rather than via Chicago, as happened to one of Isobel's previous commissions for MrSS).
During the week before Easter, Isobel embarked on the Batch of 6 Blue Rabbits on order from the Oxford Against Cutting (OAC) charity - to be used to cheer up the children and young girls who watch the film in which Oscar, The OAC Mascot Rabbit stars. Photos of Oscar 1 and Oscar 2 can be found in our last blog post (25th March, 2018), and the one below shows the first Blue Rabbit - which Isobel posted to MsKA from the OAC last Wednesday afternoon. He travelled Signed For Royal Mail parcel, and Isobel found out that the local postman had tried to deliver Blue Rabbit 1 on Friday, but - because the address we have for MsKA is probably her home one - he's probably spent the week-end in the nearest Royal Mail Sorting Office.
We're hoping to hear early this week which body version MsKA and the Charity's Nurse feel will meet the important "cuddly factor" - between Oscar 1 and 2 and Blue Rabbit 1 (the latter having the fuller body). The Blue Rabbit's fluffier neck also fits better on to the new body, resulting in a Toy that is more evenly balanced all around. We'll keep you posted on the verdict, but meanwhile, Isobel has decided that she's going to start work on cutting out and sewing the head and ears for the rest of the 5 remaining Blue Rabbits - so that there will not be a mad rush at the end to meet the current deadline (May 1 - with some allowance for a few further days!)

Once Blue Rabbit 1 had left us on Wednesday, Isobel than began work on preparing a lot of new Cuddlies' listings for the Shop (all renewals, because we've not had that much time to think of - or indeed, make - brand new Cuddlies just recently). We're hoping that's going to change shortly! However, while doing this rather boring chore, Isobel decided to do something she's been thinking about for some time. She picked out Yellow Plush Sleepy Teddy (https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/591139164/sleepy-teddy-bear-cuddly-toy) and Sleepy Koala Teddy Bear (https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/581542311/sleepy-koala-bear-koala-teddy-bear?) and gave them both a face lift - .
Both Toys owe their origins to a Brown Plush Sleepy Bear originally belonging to Isobel's son-in-law, AR (made for him by his talented elder sister, so family legend goes), who had been one of our first Patients in the Toy Animal Hospital (https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/589621523/animal-toy-hospital-toy-bear-specialist?). That Brown Version didn't actually have a mouth on its face, and when the first Yellow Plush Teddy was made Isobel was still finding her way around the treatment routines (and didn't think about changing the look in subsequent versions!) This week, though, she decided both should now have new faces - and here are the current "new looks".
First Sleepy Koala Teddy Bear:
Before treatment:
And this is how our current Sleepy Koala looks now - with a different nose and a "smiley" mouth: (this has still to appear in our Shop!):
Isobel also opened up the eyes more, and has given Sleepy Koala (who doesn't look quite so drowsy now, I think!) a "shave" around his nose and mouth, so they can be seen better (and so HE can see better himself!).
We're unable currently to find an old picture of Yellow Plush Sleepy Teddy - because in her excitement at re-listing the Toy, Isobel forgot to keep one!! We're sure that somewhere in our records, we will be able to find one - from an old blog post for example - but it will have to wait until another time. However, THIS is what Sleepy Yellow Teddy now looks like (and believe me, he looks a whole lot happier, as well as not quite as drowsy!!). They're called "Sleepy", because of the way they're made - sloping backwards against a pillow or cushion is their preferred way of "sitting"!
New Mouth and Nose, and some tidying up around the mouth too |
It's still a little early to tell you about any reaction to the publicity activities Isobel has embarked on, and she's been a bit under the weather thanks to an infected tooth this last week too. She (and I) are sorry for not posting last week - but it was Easter Sunday, there was a family lunch party up the road to which Isobel was invited (and thoroughly enjoyed too!) so by the time it was over, as well as not having that much to tell you about anyway, we decided a week's rest from blogging was perhaps the best route!
Think I've been chuntering on long enough for this week now - so will close. Hope you're all beginning to get some Spring-like weather wherever you all are: there's been a slight improvement hereabouts!
See you all soon. Your Friend,
Cy Bear.