Once more, greetings to one and all. It's been a beautiful Spring day, with lots of sunshine here in Nottinghamshire today, even though there was a keen breeze to lower the temperature somewhat. While still living out of two places, I've still not been able to motivate myself to sew Cuddlies - even though there are many to do - but I have been able to visit another nearby Stately Home - and thought you might like to see some pictures of the brief visit - regrettably cut short by a sharp April Shower (or two!).
This time we visited Newstead Abbey, once owned by the famous English poet, Lord Byron - and now in the care of Nottingham City Council.
South side of the Abbey - looking over the stream linking two lakes |
Lord Byron inherited his title when his great uncle died in May 1798 at the age of 10. He became the 6th Lord Byron of Rochdale, and with the title came Newstead Abbey - which was in a state of disrepair - so much so, that Byron's mother leased it out to various people during her son's adolescence. Much of the Abbey remains in a ruined state even now - but there's enough land to accommodate several mansion type residences (mostly privately owned) and a magnificent acreage of parkland, around the Abbey. These are open to the public and one can to go for long walks -accompanied by children and dogs (on leads); because there are free-roaming peacocks, as well as many ducks, geese, moorhen and other water birds which frequent the area around a couple of lakes, linked by a stream and water fall. (On this occasion, we heard, but didn't see the pea fowl - but they have to be taken seriously when one comes upon them - apparently).
Some Canada Geese and a lone Moor Hen - beside one of the Lakes |
Parts of the Abbey interior can be visited too, but it wasn't on the agenda this time around. We did visit the Abbey Shop - where I purchased a post card to send to a long time family friend whose late husband used to run a Restaurant in London's Carnaby Street area - called the Lord Byron, where beautiful home made Greek food was to be found. The card will be on its way to its intended destination on early next week - hopefully to remind our friend of good times had in days past.
The Abbey Shop doorway is located in the corner of this view of the Abbey. |
Clare, Grandson E. and myself decided to take advantage of a bright sunny day earlier this week, and drove to the Abbey (which is located a short distance from were both our homes are located) and with the aid of a annual family pass, drove right in to the car park along a road with rhododendron bushes on either side. They're going to look fabulous in a week or so when they come into bloom and I'm hoping to be able to visit the Abbey grounds again - when they are at their flowering best; and maybe post a picture of two here when that happens.
The Abbey view from the left of the Entrance to the Shop |
This is how the Abbey looks on the immediate right of the Abbey Shop entrance. |
We didn't see too much more of the gardens - due for the most part to the onset of a sharp April Shower, but also because we had a Little Person with short legs with us - who kept up the pace admirably, but after a 40 minute brisk walk was understandably tiring. So, on the way back we admired the garden view - in front of this aspect of the Abbey.
A weeping willow shrouding the stream linking the two lakes over-looked by the Abbey view in the first photo |
On the left of this picture, you can see a waterfall from the lake the other side of this daffodil decorated slope. |
A head-on view of the willow tree, with the stream into which the waterfall goes |
After admiring the budding rhododendron bushes along the long driveway from the main road to the Abbey itself, the view shown below is the one we got as we drove into the Car Park area.

There's a cricket ground nearby, as well - so one can see why the grounds are so popular for the local visiting public. It's also great that we can take advantage of the space - and believe me, we certainly will be doing so, provided the capricious English Spring weather allows us so to do.
While I may not have been motivated to sew Cuddlies this week, I have spent some time tidying up the way our Cuddlies Shop is arranged - to take advantage of the overall Etsy.com "New Look" for all our Shops. I've also taken advantage of an offer to create a website for the Cuddlies. It's something I've been thinking about for some time - but having purchased the domain name (to be revealed shortly), I'm now not sure how to go about linking it to this blog, and the Shop as well. Assistance has been sought from Team Members and Etsy Support itself - and I hope to be proficient in this new look Cuddlies era soon.
Until next week, folks - hope this find everyone having a good time and keeping well.
Your friend - Isobel,